This is a moot point… Every expansion they make the content from the previous available to everyone.
Totally agree. Race selection in an MMO should never be gated. I’m good with unlocking new customizations through questing, like the night warrior look, but that’s about it.
They sure do herbing and mining in dragonflop.
I feel like currently there are two arguments against simple unlocks and both are honestly terrible arguments.
- I did all this work and it’s not fair whaaah.
Lighten up Francis, it’s called progress. Did you pave all of the roads in your neighborhood? Built your own house huh? Did you solo all of those roads and mythic dungeons to get your character’s gear too? Did you take advantage of when flying got unlocked in zones or did you literally do everything the hard way first? Basically you are a hypocrite pretending otherwise, because THIS ISSUE is important to you for a reason that’s irrelevant.
- These noobs need to learn the lore first like I did!
Unless you passed some test of lore knowledge before making a non allied race then you are being randomly hypocritical about the allied races just because YOU did extra work and are whining that it’s not fair. Every non allied race you just pick from the start and THEN learn about them. At this point though the allied races are no longer new, and have been integrated in. Learning about them isn’t new, it’s history. And players can learn race history at their leisure, not as some sort of requirement to exist.
A little too late since i already unlock them all except for trash gnomes and fat humans… These two I would only play if I wanted to troll role playing servers… I can’t even use them for level 1 hogger raids since that start at level 10!
Nah… Tbh I don’t like that there’s restrictions but now that there is they can’t let people get allied races easier. Part of the perks of the allied race is how daunting it is to unlock when you can be doing other things, so there’s less of them around.
If they did they should just give all players a free character select of their choice, limiting it to one. So if a new wow player comes along and wants to be an allied race they can choose one and not have to unlock it in order to create one. But only one… Even that bothers me but I think it’s acceptable and should keep people more immersed than irritated.
I agree with this. The scenario for Void Elves was informative. The lightforged one was interesting, but T’paartos was far too loud. I haven’t unlocked any of the others yet, but it is on the list of things to do eventually.
Yeah, agreed. Plus that quest chain takes like 5 mins. Slightly faster than doing every quest in bfa lol
I appreciate the heck out of that Stripes reference there, pal!
But in the words of all the zoomers in my guild:
Or, you could be thankful for the reduced requirements and complete them. I’m all for the developers reducing the requirements where they can, but not at the expense of just completely making content obsolete.
For someone that wants to unlock an allied race, it is very much relevant, and asking you to simply play the game to receive context and backstory for why you unlocked an allied race shouldn’t be viewed as a punishment.
Now, if the developers removed allied race unlock requirements and decided to revamp the starting zone experience for the Nightborne, and could manage to create an incentive for those new characters to go back and complete the former Nightborne requirement, then I’d be all for it.
I didn’t suffer playing through the Suramar questline to unlock the Nightborne when there were extra requirements.
The only old rep i focus when leveling is org. I put on the tabbard at the start, and try to get at least revered for the flying training cost reduction. I know it isn’t THAT big of a deal anymore, but what else am i going to put in my tabard slot that helps out?
You know, I did all the same work you had to do to unlock Mechagnomes… I just didn’t get them because I’m Horde.
Agreed. I worked for hours upon hours getting all Allied races when it was fresh, then in BfA getting all the ones they added. Make it obtainable for new players without the ridiculous grind on quests, it’s no longer a current system. It’s arbitrary at best, and gatekeeping a fresh account to not have them just seems silly at this point.
Imagine if you had to fully level through every expansion, with no XP reductions or changes, in order to reach max level.
Ok, now tell me why I just have to do all this story stuff lol.
It’s an indefensible argument.
I wish I could shake the rather depressing feeling that Blizzard is leaving these races locked in order to actually punish those who didn’t play those expansions when they came out.
But I can’t.
They made it pretty easy to do now without the rep lock. Just take a level 60 out through the campaigns…you’ll get legion done in like…2 or 3 days and BFA done in a few hours. Not that hard to work a little for allied races.
It doesn’t matter. Let it be devalued. It’s old. Outdated. Frankly it’s already devalued by one shoting everything.
Keep the achievements locked.
Agreed. Gating them was dumb to begin with. There’s zero prestige associated with them. It’s nothing but an awful grind.
Take it out back with it’s buddy Pathfinder.
I had gone halfway through completing the quest chain for Mag’har, but for some reason did not accept the next quest in the chain. I wound up taking a break from the game for like 6 months, and when I returned had forgotten all about the quest chain. I wound up playing around like normal. Then when I decided I wanted to clear the quest chain again, I had no clue where to go to pick the quest chain back up. I ran around back-tracking over the course of weeks trying to find out where I had left off.
Obviously I eventually got around to finishing it, but GFG it sucked.
Just look at me. Take a big long look at the thiccness. The unlock grind is worth it.
Yeah, this would be nice. I actually renewed my sub just to unlock Kul Tirans. It’s a chore, but luckily, there is no more rep requirements, and I don’t have to run any of the dungeons.
However, doing BFA zones at level 50+ has been an exercise in frustration. Mobs hit like a Mack truck and for a few levels, I was hitting like a wet noodle on my level 50 toons.
However, doing these quests on lower level toons is fine. But I guess the level squish really jacked up how things works now (I’ve been gone since Legion.)
So, yeah, even with the nerfs, the grind is real.