I’d pay blizzard 30dollars for a race change, but I’m not grinding old content. Content that I didn’t even feel like doing when it was current lol.
My friend just came back to the game for the first time since WoD and was starry eyed at all the cool new stuff.
He was really excited about the kul-tiran druid forms bc he used to main a feral druid but when I told him what he had to do to unlock them he was like eh it’s cool but I’m not gonna do all that for it, I wanna do the new stuff.
The next expansion made it obsolete.
It’s the only one I don’t have unlocked for Horde. It’s just too much of a grind for me to want to do it. I didn’t play Legion, so I didn’t touch Suramar, making this a whole lot of work
Being forced to play through content from three+ expansions ago isn’t a great feeling. The content is exceptional, in your opinion. In my opinion, it’s mind-numbingly boring and pointless. I don’t care at all about the history of the race. And just like I didn’t need to to make an Orc or a Tauren, I shouldn’t need to to make a Nightborne.
As is always the case, the story content from previous expansions is rendered obsolete when the new expansion drops. This is a big gap in practical gameplay limitations from not playing Legion–an expansion that stopped being relevant in 2018.
Lore wise having to still recruit an allied race makes even less sense. They should have unlocked them after BFA because obviously the races had been recruited to the factions story-wise. They’ve changed the requirements so many times that most online guides are incorrect and contain stale information. Some are shorter quest lines to unlock, and others are practically completing an entire expansion. It’s ridiculous at this point. Where to start the quests is unclear and you have to find the right guides online to even figure it out. Don’t even get me started on if you’re doing the opposite faction, then you do it practically twice. It’s bad design, but it’s blizz so no surprises there.
Who cares what you want. Deal with it. Like they are ever gonna unlock the allied races just cause you want a free ride… but feel free to whine and cry til you get what you want. See i can be asinine too.
Mind as well give out S1 KSM mounts too cuz it old content you know
Here is how I got my blood elf and draenei in TBCC prelude.
the servers came up with the TBCC code to support them. we got 2 weeks(?) to power grind them out if desired. many hours late lol that server upgrade did not stick to its schedule. at least 12 hours late I want to say actually.
I made a draenei. and I made a blood elf.
then I played them.
see if one recalls the blood elf intro…they technically start off as an allied race too. we go to the old orgrimmar. we see warchief Thrall. and thus…the blood elves take their spot in the horde.
now for the mind blower…draenei. the first time the wounded nght elf lady sees the draenei she freaks out. OMG…eredar! The alliance does not even know what the draenei are at this point.
then the alliance camp is going thanks for telling us about the wounded night elf. don’t know who the hell you are but…could you do some quests for me. Sure can.
so the draenei start off allied races technically.
2 “allied” races and all you did was pick a face, hair (style and color), skin, earrings and a class.
They were never going to remove pathfinder
Here we are.
I want it to be a requirement to play through every single Warcraft game before you even THINK about playing World of Warcraft. In fact, afterwards, everyone should be forced to do a 200+ question test and write a 10 page paper about the lore. And that would just unlock humans and orcs. If you want other races, you should have to get loremaster and revered with every single faction.
Wouldn’t want people to have a free ride in a video game, now would we?
You aren’t being forced to do anything.
I had to work for this awesome guy. AND the armor.
You should be happy that others can get it with less suffering. If you see someone happy, you should rejoice, and form the aspiration for all to experience this happiness and may they create causes for it to never part from them.
This idea that others should suffer…
Just… Why?
This idea that others should suffer…
Dude, cry me a river. I already have one user on this damn thread unlocking Mechagnomes and he doesn’t even like them.
In fact, hardly anybody likes them. So why unlock when nobody likes them? Oh yeah for completionism. Valid reason.
Oh yeah for completionism. Valid reason.
Your 15k to my 7?
Whom cares about completionism more?
But yeah, I did unlock them when they were hard, and I don’t like them.
That has nothing to do with my attitude, or yours. Just unlock them all, sans any completion.
But yeah, I did unlock them when they were hard, and I don’t like them.
Case and point. I’m done here.
Case and point. I’m done here.
Really? Since nobody even likes them, why not just unlock?
I unlocked kul tiran, too. Hate 'em.
The vulpera are the only ones I unlocked and liked.
Can’t get everything handed to you on a silver platter.
I had to work for this awesome guy. AND the armor.
yeah I’m sorry but my answer to this kinda thread is basically what Attimis said in the quote. If they suddenly gave everyone the allied races without them having to do a simple questline you can do with chromie time if I recall right now… it’d devalue all the work those of us who already got them did to get them and that’s a middle finger I don’t want to be given. I unlocked every last allied race before they dumbed the requirements down, I’ve helped others find where to start to get them. So…yeah no I’m sorry… if you’re too lazy to put in even a little work as you can get most of them super quick now… you don’t deserve them. It’s not like they’re the dragon mount in guild wars 2… there is barely any grinding all you gotta do is finish a certain quest chain now and at the current level you can get them done super quick. The only ones that may be rough is the BFA ones and nightborne as nightborne requires a longer quest chain. Vulpera can be unlocked by beating the main story of Vol’dun, I believe the kul’tiran is doing the main questline that involves redeeming Jaina, highmountain tauren all you gotta do is finish the main story quests of highmountain then go to the horde embassy and grab the unlock quest which is super quick. To say they’re grueling or a waste of time is a waste of time doing. none of them require rep anymore so begging for them to be given to you for no effort is insulting to those who put in the effort for them
I kind of like the fact with the current allied races, the player has to at least get familiar with their story and reputation before being able to play one.
Idk, mixed feeling about this. I like the story threads that lead up to these races joining their factions, and I don’t think I’d enjoy them as much if you just selected them on the race screen like every other.
The amount of time can be changed, sure. It already has, these used to require exalted.
It’s the one thing that makes allied races unique.
You gotta do their content to unlock them first.
I went and unlocked all of them, but I’m probably never playing a Vulpera. People who are asking for these unlocks probably don’t really want to play the races, otherwise they’d already have them, lol.
to cater to players who find playing through storyline in an RPG to be a punishment.
for alliance it is punishment, tyrande gets a little snarky and weeks of questing and feeding nightborne npcs, poof, out the window. and now they wanna kill us to boot.
weeks of questing and feeding nightborne npcs
they removed the time window between branches of the nightborne chain to get them…it does not take weeks anymore…it takes a few hours maybe but not weeks
You gotta do their content to unlock them first.
On a tangential topic, did you know that Disney is losing rights to Mickey Mouse next year?
Yup. Mickey and Minnie are going public domain. About time. Copyright was designed to allow an artist to profit, but also to protect the public’s interests.
If you release art into the public, it becomes cultural property after a reasonable time.
Same here. You guys got it early. But time to release it?