Unlock all Allied Races with 10.1

Having to do hours upon hours of questing and a dozen plus achievements is an unreasonable ask for every other non allied race.

If people care about the story behind races, they are free to go do it. Hell, make it a feat of strength for all I care.


No one mentioned giving the armor for nothing only unlocking the race.

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I love my Nightborne. I wanted to play one after doing Suramar, expectedly; lucky for me, I had already done most of the questline and planned to do the rest, so it was a few quests worth and then pushing a Horde character to 45 to do the unlock.

I am still in favor of lifting all restrictions and requirements for Allied races. There is no need for them. Races should not ever be locked for any reason; people who are interested in the race’s lore and story will either read up on them, or do the quests associated to them. Races being held hostage tends to make the experience of unlocking them not exactly fun for everyone, especially if they are what pushes someone into trying WoW to begin with.

Had I wanted to play a Nightborne or LF Draenei from the start, upon first making my account… I would have been incredibly discouraged by the long grind either would require just to unlock, playing as a race I did not want to play as. For some people, that could be enough for them to not give WoW a try at all - and thus, that’s a potential sub lost, and money lost for Blizzard.

It’s just not really good design.

I feel this would be a fine compromise, honestly. Level the race up to x level + complete its associated story campaign, or even reputation, to get their fancy special armor.

Just unlock the race itself so people can pick it when first starting WoW.


Oh god that one was so bad…

I wouldn’t wish that on any new person.

Perhaps it can be bargained with?

Such as heritage sets will require campaign completion. A true journey for Mechagnomes to look like… Mechagnomes. :robot:


Im close to unlocking them myself. If folks want them, do what is required to get them.


To unlock the Nightborne, you simply have to complete the Suramar campaign, which is the objective of the ‘Insurrection’ achievement, the only achievement tied to unlocking them. You’re making it sound a lot more involved than it is.

Currently, you can’t play through the Suramar campaign as a Nightborne character - you are automatically phased as though you’ve completed it. Additionally, the Suramar campaign was a max-level zone on release, and currently requires Level 45 to start.

I also think you’re a little naive if you believe making the Suramar campaign optional will make it anything other than obsolete.

Not with that meager offering. If you’re going to render the Suramar campaign obsolete by making it optional, you’re going to need to come up with something a little more punitive to get me on board.


It could include the mounts.

Off-topic thought struck me suddenly; should there be an achievement mount for unlocking all the allied races while it’s still locked? :thinking:

If you have that kind of motivation to literally unlock “everything” this game has to offer, by all means. Kudos.

Be sure to note moderation.

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Which is hours and hours of questing

There is zero reason for this. If you care about the story, then go do it. There is no reason to force players to go through it if they’re not interested in the story.


Well I mean I did it a long time ago when it was relevant. I definitely can understand how people wouldn’t want to go back and grind it. I’m for the free unlocking


Everyone doesn’t have this mount? Sucks for them :rofl: I’m sure a recolor version will pop up in the TP at some point.

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Why? Just do the achievements like I and many others did in that snorefest known as 8.3 Blizzard needs to stop making us jump thru hoops and then just giving it up like a two dollar hooker.

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And the thing is, which doesn’t make any sense to me, is if somebody undertakes a quest line or other activity while they already know the reward, and end up not liking it anyway.

Don’t get me wrong. You did work unlocking Mechagnomes. But just to do it for the sake of completionism isn’t all a sufficient reason.

In fact, it can barely make Mechagnome mains hardly look like a joke. I already get the hard end of the stick because the damn devs think we’re just a comedy relief. Also we get little customizations.

Okay. I’ll take my tech innovations that I gave to the Alliance somewhere else.

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In the off chance I change my mind
I do a lot of things just to collect it.

I mean I spent an entire expansion trying to get as many achievement points as I could. I have since grown out of that.

Why do people collect stamps? Why do old lonely people collect cats? Why does my bathmat collect strange odors?

We can


that 100 exhausted rep mount was less than ordinary. you forgot the other gem that goes with hydraxian its ravenholdt iirc.


I don’t know if I did that one.

I was going for the exalted achievement back in wrath

Back then I thought it was cool to spend dozens. If not hundreds of hours on things just to impress my real life friends for 3 seconds

I have also grown out of this

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The reason the Suramar campaign exists is to a) introduce you to notable Nightborne characters and b) establish context as to why the Nightborne become members of the Horde.

Ultimately, we’re going to have to agree to disagree, because I’ll never be in favor of making exceptional content, as with the Suramar campaign, obsolete simply to cater to players who find playing through storyline in an RPG to be a punishment.

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Couldn’t hurt to see the limited items in the trading post.


The drawback of ‘winning.’

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