<Unleashed> 5/9Mythic looking to Push 8.2

Unleashed mission is simple. It is a home for adults who want to enjoy high-level progression raiding in a respectful, Semi-mature atmosphere without sacrificing their real life. All guild decisions and policies are structured around this central goal. Our schedule places us in a category where we will be looked at as “CASUALLY Hardcore”. If you are the person that cant raid 8 nights a week but still want to get things killed send us a whisper!

Our current scheduled days are Tues/Thurs 6-9pm PST. We are looking for all classes / roles and all interests. We currently run Mythic+ keys just about daily and even do a lil pvp once in a while.

Dapriests#1508 or at our ingame community group https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/YeaGOvoCg0W?region=US&faction=Alliance

The race for 8.2 is nigh!

8.2 on tues!!! ill join your community.

Still looking for good players

is 8.2 out yet?