Unknown charge on my debit card

Greetings! I’m from Argentina and I was trying to add a new debit card as a payment method but every time I tried to do it I got an unknown charge ($1.112,66 argentinian pesos plus $579,18 argentinian pesos from taxes. A total of $1.691,84 argentinian pesos) from my account. It happened three times and every time was the same amount. The card is a ‘mercadopago’ card associated with Mastercard (MercadoPago is a digital payment platform in Argentina that allows people to make transactions, collect payments and access credit). And when I go to transaction history in my battle.net account there’s nothing there. So I want to know what is being charged and if there’s the possibility to refund that.

Its a ping charge to make sure its legit i think.


I’m not seeing any charges either, Olimpus.

Can you contact them and inquire about the charges? Unless it’s some type of verification ping (which should go back into your balance), I’m not sure what this is either.


I have no idea how your system works in your country, but in the US a vendor will often charge a temporary verification test fee. Something small like $1 that then is refunded back after it clears. It just verifies the card is valid.

Could that be what is going on?


It seems is a verification ping. So I shall only wait to get the money back.
But now I have another question: once the card is verified that means I can use it to buy stuff like mounts, toys, etc?

If you’ve successfully entered into your billing profile, yes - should work.


Perfect. So to wait now. Thanks a lot all of you for your time and answers

To set your mind at ease, the amounts you provided convert to a total of $1.60 in USD which is assuredly a verification charge. The only thing they sell for $1 is the Blizzard Balance minimum amount but not at a tax rate of 60%.


tbh I’d talk to your bank and dispute the charge too

Disputing the charge is a bad idea all the advice is valid and this is perfectly normal.


I would not do that. You’re going to give yourself a headache for no reason.