UNKILLABLE NPCs to counter Dishonorable Kills

To counter Dishonorable kills. Only one type of NPC should be Unkillable, the civilian. Removing the necessity to make the change.

Making these NPCs Unkillable allows for the City Raids to become possible later in the game. While not messing with players ranks.

By making these types of NPCs Unkillable, you stop Greifers dead in their tracks. They can gank low levels still. But, it protects players with rank on PvP Servers from receiving a DHK.

We want to raid cities without worrying about that.


not Blizz-like


Classic while remaining true to Vanilla is not 100% Blizzlike.

#nochange tho right


Yeah, but unkillable NPCs is a completely new mechanic.

I"m not saying it’s a bad idea, but anything that did not exist in Vanilla is probably completely off the table unless it’s in retail (sharding, loot trading) and Blizz decides it’s needed in some way for Classic.


If we want to keep city raiding alive like it will happen in the first phase of PvP content plan, this is a solution to keep that world PvP interaction alive.

No changes.


#NoChanges. If you’re going to be raiding a city full of civilian NPC’s and low levels don’t be surprised if you break honorable rules of engagement by using AoE’s and get DHK’s. Just look at Sylvanas. She torched the tree and got so many DHK’s that now the entire expansion is based around it.


Lol Im jealous of how you squeezed that much sarcasm in to text

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That was a complete misread on your part. There was 0% sarcasm in my reply.

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Is it even a old wow expansion if there aren’t the same 10 rogues killing AH and Flight Masters in Org every single day?


Flight Masters are actually far more important than all of them.


This is not a change we want.


Just remove DHK and move on with life imo.


How about you just pay attention to what you are killing?
Don’t want dhk’s don’t attack things that give dhk.

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Wonder what could happen with an un-killable hostile NPC.

Where my Vanilla Hunters at? Explain it would you?



If its red its dead, if its yellow its dead.

Unkillable NPCs is going too far, besides lowbies will be interfered with by being camped.

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Yea… no possible way an unkillable npc could backfire…


Unkillable in that it stays in one place and is untargetable by spells or attacks. I think the 2 most important NPCs are Class Trainers and Quest Givers. All other NPCs are unimportant.

This is just an idea so that raiding World Cities can continue passed the point that dishonorable is put in. After that there’s no going back. Think about it. Would you rather continue to raid World Cities without receiving dishonorable, or forgo it and the change will not encourage World City raids. Once the change is made we can’t go back to not having dishonorable. World City raids are going to be very fun in Classic. For those of us that are playing on PvP servers.

If a Realm is really big on World City raiding, can we have the option to not have dishonorable kills? I doubt the devs would give specific realms that option.
Once the change is made the change is made and we wont go back to how it was.

It’s a change that occurred. Some prefer it unchanged.

There is a history for this, so what would probably happen is they would buff the guards over a few patches to a level that ruins city raids.

Now you can’t get DHKs but you also can’t raid or have fun in an enemy a city either because 50 charging stunning zerg guards are around every corner.

Just leave it how it is imo. Get the city raiding out of your system before honor goes live. Alternatively when you are done ranking and no longer care go pummel Stormwind/Orgrimmar or whatever.

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