Hello, I am the guild leader of Honkai Star Rail, an Alliance guild on Wild Growth in the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery. We have been around since the launch of the server. Although we are not a large guild, we have maintained a consistent raid team for every phase.
However, due to Blizzard’s reckless and unreasonable player bans, we have lost 4–5 friends. What’s even more frustrating is that Blizzard tends to ban innocent players who have never used any cheats, while bots and hackers continue to roam freely in the game despite our constant reports.
Before Naxx, our only mage (Mtmage) was wrongfully banned and has yet to be unbanned. Just a few days ago, two more of our friends were also falsely banned:
• Mightkai – Our core healer officer and guild bank manager
• Giigaachad – Our DPS and off-tank
They have appealed multiple times, but every response they receive appears to be from an AI with no real review. Both of them have been with us since Phase 4, and their alts are in different guilds. We are absolutely certain they have never used any form of cheating. They are kind, helpful, and valued members of our community.
Our entire guild is outraged by these unjust bans. Therefore, we are making this appeal as a guild. If Blizzard does not lift the bans on these three players, we will permanently quit World of Warcraft. Posting on this forum is just the first step in our protest—if this issue is not resolved, we will take it to other social media platforms.
We were originally planning to push higher difficulty Naxxramas tonight, but because you banned our members, we were forced to drop to the lowest difficulty, and we barely managed to form a raid. We are extremely disappointed and outraged. If this continues, our guild will be on the verge of disbanding.
As the guild leader, I must stand up against this disgusting practice. So many of our team members have been wrongfully banned, and I have heard that other guilds have faced the same situation. Many of them were even denied the right to post on the forums after being falsely banned, and their appeals only received cold, automated responses.
That is why I am speaking out—not just for us, but for them as well. I hope Blizzard takes action, We demand that Blizzard give us back a truly fair Azeroth.