Unity belt not available on alts

WoWhead stated the Campaign completion would be account wide and the belt was purchasable from the Enlightened Quartermaster, but it appears neither of these things are true. So you have to grind to revered or complete campaign on any character you want the belt on, which again, seems very alt unfriendly, much like this entire xpac has been up until this point, and is now taking a turn back to being alt unfriendly.


The only part that is account-wide from the campaign is being able to purchase the Memory of Unity which requires you to be revered. If you had been doing the weekly patterns quest and 3 daily WQ you’d already be revered. Once learned any alt can craft a legendary using the Unity power.


The memory is account-wide.

The only thing that isn’t alt-friendly is the conduit catchup thing requires rep on alts.


I literally did the campaign on this toon in like 2 hours, after I started this account back up again. You’re being insanely dramatic


THey posted changes in January about it


Upcoming Change to Double Legendary Acquisition in Patch 9.2 - Available Week 3 of Mythic

posted 2022/01/21 at 6:55 PM by Squishei

Blizzard has posted their thoughts on double legendaries in Patch 9.2, covering upcoming changes to acquisition and why there’s a delay in acquiring the double legendary at all!

Quick summary:

  • Double Legendaries will no longer require Reputation to unlock the Legendary Belt, instead unlocking it automatically at the end of Chapter 7

  • The Memory of Unity pattern will still be account-wide, require Revered reputation and now also require the completion of Chapter 7.

When exactly does Chapter 7 unlock? Week 5 of the Patch, or Mythic Week 3.

  • Week 1 (Cypher of First Ones unlocked): Chapters 1 through 3

  • Week 2 (Heroic Raid Unlocks): Chapter 4

  • Week 3 (Mythic Raid Unlocks): Chapter 5

  • Week 4 (Week 2 Mythic): Chapter 6

  • Week 5 (Week 3 Mythic): Chapter 7

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The belt was purchasable on the PTR, however this was for testing purposes only. Unfortunately Blizzard failed to properly communicate this and people assumed it was going to be purchasable on alts after you have unlocked it on your main. The blue post from jaunary made it pretty clear but it didn’t get much attention.

what sucks is the belt for most classes doenst have versatility which puts certain classes at a disadvantage in pvp

You don’t have to use the belt. I’d assume basically only the poorest people will, making unity on your chosen slot with your chosen stats and being able to upgrade it to 291 is way better than using the 265 belt with preset stats.

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issue is grinding out the rep some of us have jobs LOL besides that it really gimps us in pvp there should be options for the belt liek stat options ie when we quest and we get to choose which piece we want as a quest reward

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You don’t have to “grind” anything to get the rep up. You do 3 world quests a day, one of which you instantly complete with poco. It takes like 5 minutes and also completes the weekly quest by the end of the week too.

I am about as casual as it gets. This is honestly the easiest rep we have had in …not sure how long.

  1. Do Campaign on your char. That gets you lots of rep and your free Unity belt for the char.
  2. On ONE char, also do 3 World quests a day. Those give rep and one is a puzzle you can auto complete with 9 poco energy. With flying this takes around 20 mins total. Just doing this will finish the weekly which gives you over 1k rep too.
  3. When that char hits Revered it can get the Unity Memory that you can use account wide.

That is all I did and I hit Revered today. You don’t even need to run around doing rares (those give only a tiny bit of rep) and the Daily blue quests are not for rep. Those are cyphers so skip if rep is all you care about.

So, the rep grind is one character and takes minutes a day.

Not going to lie I too hate grinding reputation in mmo’s and find it terribly boring noncontent. I’d personally just suffer and take the 260 belt and slowly over a couple months work on rep at my own pace cause I hate doing unfun chores I don’t like.

But thank you for the explanation.

Edit: I also skipped three chapters on an alt and I think that lowered the rep I would have had sadly.


The storyline is easy, and this expansion is going to be around for a while. You’ve got plenty of time.

Yeah, that alt can’t get the rep back, but that is fine. You only need Revered on one Character to get the Memory for the account. Your alt would only need rep to buy specific crafting patterns and such.

This patch is really alt friendly and also alt optional. I rather like it.

Esp that I can spend Anima to send account bound 226 ZM starter gear to all my alts! Then they come on over, can fly because my main earned it, and do the quest line for a belt and cyphers for higher gear WQ drops. It has been rather win win.

My current “main” is over ilvl 250 and has not touched a dungeon or raid in several expansions. Not until they turn into solo content for me.


So I have actually been in contact with 2 GM’s over this. The first one thought I was trying to find out about the memory, but still linked me the WoWhead article guide for unlocking double legendaries in Shadowlands patch 9.2 as their source of info. I corrected him in a following ticket submission stating that the article actually mentions you can purchase the belt from Vilo, and I was just trying to figure out if that was true or how it worked now, since no one seems to know. This morning I received another response from a different GM.

“Here’s some more information from the guide we linked you” (linked me the same guide as the first GM).

““You can purchase a Legendary Belt which is locked at item level 265.”” - purchasing the belt doesn’t require rep, purchasing the memory does."

““Players will unlock this feature after completing Chapter 7 which becomes available on March 22nd.”” - please make sure to complete Chapter 7 of the Enlightened campaign to be able to purchase the belt from Vilo."

“Hopefully this takes care of things for you and I wish you good luck in your future gaming adventures! :)”

I received an updated response maybe 30 minutes later.

“Hello again!”

“Apologies, you don’t buy the belt, it’s a quest reward.”

When the Blizzard GM’s rely on second hand info from outside sources, it means that Blizzard did not communicate clearly on how something was to be done or obtained. They very clearly intended on the belt being purchasable, but when changing that, failed to update the community accordingly. Even their GM’s didn’t know, because they rely on the guides and updates from sites like WoWhead to help us figure out things, which is fine, WoWhead is a huge source of information for in-game related issues, but as Blizzard employee’s, they should have access to the most up to date information, which in this case, they didn’t.


In total it takes over 8 hours to complete reputation to revered.

No, people jumped to the assumption based upon unreleased beta testing data. If you had been paying attention, WoWhead updated their previous article about how to unlock the unity belt and the memory to reflect the current situation.

Let’s not be facetious. This implies anyone can start from scratch and within 8 hours, be revered. That is not the case. It takes “8 hours” over the course of many weeks. If you didn’t spend those 10-15 minutes a day (with plenty of slack room to miss days entirely considering I was over 3400 into revered and also missed at least a day and probably some random quests here and there). I don’t know what to tell you. The only special out of the way thing I did was wait to turn in 2 of the puzzle in puzzles quests until I had a DMF buff.

Who is being facetious? It takes over 8 hours being time gated daily.

You can’t tell me anything I don’t already know.

You are because you know good and well that if I was a brand new player who just dinged 60 and found my way to ZM right this moment, I’m not getting my memory in “8 hours of gameplay”. Piecing out the daily 5-10 (more like 10-15 pre flying) doesn’t work without there being a catchup mechanic in place.

It is fair to say a brand new player can get their quest belt in 2-4 hours of gameplay and that is plenty good enough to get them started. The people that actually “needed” unity are 100% the types who live and breathe on WoWhead and IcyVeins and multiple other fan sites and probably even a fair bit of “content creators” (hashtag eyeroll) that have all made it very loud and clear what the difference between the belt and memory are, how you get both, and what is needed to be done each day/week to get/stay caught up.

The only big kinda flub on Blizzard’s end, I’d say, was not making patterns in patterns a weekly from the start and resetting progress on it. I’d also would have liked to see them offer multiple pieces of gear for the quest like belt, wrist, and boots. Why it “had” to be a belt is beyond me.