Unity belt not available on alts

Who cares about brand new players? That isn’t the discussion. Blizzard doesn’t care about new players and I don’t think there are any brand new players anyway.

Hell they don’t care about existing players.

Funny thing is it was more rewarding when it was partial week. You get less rewards now.

The discussion is as much about them as it is about lazies and no life tryhards who only want to log and prog.

The difference being the no life tryhards have no excuse for not knowing considering those sorts all (and I do mean all) are accessing at least one site/resource where all this information is well known and was constantly being updated and brought up. I can totally get though a bunch of confused and frustrated true casuals who may have heard and thus thought that the belt was going to be some kind of account wide unlock.

The ones I don’t feel sorry for are the ones turning their nose up at the belt because “it isn’t good enough” but yet also think they somehow deserve the memory without putting in the semi daily effort for it. If you care enough about tryharding this game to the point where your day 1 output difference between the default belt and your customizable 291 matters, you are of the type that should have 100% knew what you needed to do ahead of time.

I don’t disagree that relying on info that comes from PTR is an issue, but keep in mind that this article came 1 day before patch launch, which very clearly means that WoWhead and others assumed what they saw in PTR in regards to double legendaries would be the same in live. They can update the guides now, but the damage is done. Live and learn I guess, nothing you see in beta or PTR, or even patch launch but released later in the patch can be the same, at the end of the day its Blizzards game. If a raid was announced with 10 bosses, and PTR testing was 10 bosses, but the day the raid released people noticed a boss got completely removed, oh well.

You only have to do this once. After you buy the Unity memory , go to tor and learn it its already on your other toons, YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IT AGAIN OR GET REP OR DO CHAPTER 7 AGAIN ON ANY OTHER TOON TO GET IT.

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It isn’t like Blizzard explains anything about the game and how the processes work. They hope customers look at 3rd party websites for information that may or may not be accurate.

We agree.

Alt friendly to this company is considered a no go. They want you to spend as much time as possible playing the game. The proof is rep has to grind on every alt you play. A alt-friendly company would at least do this small thing. Here we are grinding the same rep across other alts. It like alts are family in name only to these reps. Yes alt should be considered family and share with main.

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This really just shows what kind of state this game is in, when even Blizz doesn’t know what they themselves are doing.

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You have to get to revered on just one character and it makes the memory available to all your alts. In what way is that alt unfriendly? Alt friendly doesn’t mean zero effort on your main.

Sorry, my wording on that was bad, I meant you have to grind to revered on your main or complete the campaign on any character you want the belt on. Grinding to revered on one character is fine, but I think a lot of people, including myself, didn’t because they thought you could purchase a belt on alts after completing the campaign on your main. No point in doing 2+ hours of campaign work on your alt to find out double leggo still doesn’t make it fun for you to play.

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Fair enough. Yeah there seems to be a lot of confusion about it. That sucks.

This whole ex pack is alt unfriendly … thats why i just play my main… BFA least had alt catch up systems

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Truth. See hunters in low level bgs. If that isn’t the most flagrant middle finger to new players trying out a game mode, I don’t know what is.

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