Unholy should be a ranged healer spec

No you didnt. You can keep spamming your bad quote all you want that just boils down to “people bring buffs though different means” which duh, but necromancy is not healing. As another poster in here said… let me just quote it for you Mr Necromancers Heal through applying barriers

There. So no, DK healing isnt a thing just as Necromancers applying barriers isnt healing either. Get over it, you failed with your “devils advocate” nonsense.

Okay and so we can deduce that the barrier may not be an an actual barrier. And comes from necromantic energy as the trait name implies. I’m glad I could elevate your GW2 understanding that combat mechanics are general while class fantasy is specific.

Going back to UDH you could use necromancy as functional healing. Someone’s arm is chopped off? Reanimate it and tie it to their soul consciousness using your necromancy. They can get it healed/re-attached for real at the town healer once the dungeon is over. I mean the brez dks have is technically necromancy and technically we should be undead after it’s performed.

It’s completely fine to disagree with the op’s vision of class direction. Just understand that your opposition to it may be fueled by a similar level of head cannon.

Death magic doesn’t need to directly heal to build a kit for a “Healing” spec.
That’s what I was outlining in my response. only one of the things I listed was directly a healing effect, but there was enough core concepts to build an entire talent tree and gameplay loop out of.

I’ll even toss another direct healing effect at you. Siphon life energy from enemies to your allies. Death coil steals vitality from enemies and takes it to your nearest ally.

Life and death may be opposite each other on the cosmology chart but they aren’t like order and chaos that cant exist in the same space.
Wow very clearly leans into the common idea of death energy/magic being an alteration/manipulation of life energy/magic.
Ardenweald as a zone was built off the concept of death and life being cyclical.

Thats kind of what a healing spec is. To restore health, not place barriers, not reduce the damage that person takes, but to restore their health.

I know you have me on ignore for some “bad faith argument” in your opinion, but you are just wrong once again in this case. Healing isnt putting up barriers or mitigating damage, its restoring health.

Some really great ideas here. One of them becoming a talent, albeit for only two other people and a bit weaker.

I agree. I would like a healer spec for death knights but not at the cost of UH being the new survival spec fiasco.

I would love the name of the book if you don’t mind. Sounds intriguing.

That was my idea. I appreciate you liking it.

The way I envisioned it. The DK would build up resources through it’s spells that the val’kyr would use to cast healing. Essentially, the death knight has a chained Val’kyr that when they press their healing spells the Val’kyr cast the healing. Their could be some more necromantic spells that the death knight could use to help their allies, such as corpse shield or IBF for their ally.

Also, since WOTLK when they introduced/had the purple death rune, all I could think about was the fact they should add a spec that utilizes death rune. A spec that encompasses all aspects of a death knight—such as blood, frost, and unholy.

I thought why not add a healing spec that does all that. You enslave a Val’kyr (Unholy), you have a sentient blade that increases your range (blood), and could also have spell mitigation through ice. Frankly, you could do a lot of things by utilizing all aspects of a death knight to create an effective healer, kind of like what Nevermore mentioned. Additionally, you could also bring back corpse shield and other spells that were removed.

I would like to point out that disc priest used shadow magic to heal as well as shields to mitigate dmg. They are also sought after in race to world first races for their ability to reduce the damage a player takes.

There are two main types of healers: preventive healers and active healers. Preventive healers use abilities like bubbles and shields to absorb damage before it happens. Active healers focus on continuously restoring health over time, such as Druids with their HoTs (Heal over Time spells). Additionally, there is a concept of reactive healing, where healers respond to sudden damage spikes with powerful, cooldown-based abilities, like Mistweaver Monks and Holy Paladins. Despite these nuances, all healers are essential for effective healing.

When death magic is used to heal the living let us know.

There is one type of healer, ones that heal. There is no preventative healing, thats mitigation.

Healing - the process of making or becoming healthy again.

All healing is reactive. In order to restore health one has to lose it thus you have to react to it. Mitigation is not healing.

Kings Dark tidings series by Kel Kade. The mage isn’t the focus of the story just a side character. Still a good book if you like power fantasy that doesn’t go into the realms of OP anime characters.

It’s good to see a person who understands that healers as a role do a lot more than just make health bars go up and is actually interacting with the premise of UH being a Healing spec not just having the ability to throughput heal.

But they still HEAL. Disc does prevent damage from coming in but they do heal. Power Word Shield is not a heal. If it is a heal then so is Ignore Pain, blocking, parrying, dodging, high armor because it prevents damage from coming in.

Its sad to see that people do not know the difference between healing and mitigation.

Next time you’re in a raid group with a disc priest or pally (if they’re talented into it), check the healing meters. You’ll see that bubbles/shields show up as healing received, since it’s, you know, healing.

Please check the healing meters. You’ll see it there. Any absorb will show up there. Bear tanks when their trash shield was OP were topping healing meters.

Source: I play healers, but always come back to DK.

This isnt the win you think it is. These 3rd party meters show absorbs as healing just to show contribution to the group. It doesnt mean that they ARE healing. Like what is wrong with you guys, seriously?

Bubbles and shields are mitigation, not healing.

Please check the tooltip not a 3rd party addon.

Then you should know the difference between a heal and mitigation and not try to play this bad argument of “but these things show up as healing on healing meters”. They arent healing, its just showing contribution of damage prevented as healing so it doesnt look like a disc priest is just sitting on their hands.

I have kelliste blocked and cant see everything they are saying to you but from what you’ve responded to I’d recommend moving on. They have a pattern of being super uncharitable and interpreting things in the most narrow way possible if they don’t like the topic.

It seems to me they’ve decided you are trying to claim UH can heal in the most limited definition of the word, and not that it could be thematically twisted to make a healing spec work.

They also seem terminally online and have to respond to everything. Cant wait to not read their response to this.

Love the thread ! Not reading all that tho :100:

People saying it’s not in line with DK class but I only really contemplated this because of the Sith Sorcerer from SWTOR. A Sith healing their friends, buddies, and pals. I think it’s not a huge stretch that DK would operate in a similar fashion.

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Ohhhh… crap sorry. Absorbs are heals guys… even though they are mitigation and they dont give back health lost they are a heal because some people on here want to say reality doesnt exist and language doesnt matter. ABSORBS ARE HEALS! Ignore pain is a heal, mage barrier is a heal, ams is a heal, amz is a heal… THEY ARE ALL HEALS!

Twisted… thats the issue here. Trying to twist things into something they arent.

Hey… hey guys… ducks are elephants. Did you know know that ducks are elephants? They are both animals, included in the same books, therefore ducks are elephants.

Dont care if you do, everyone else can read them and see how bad your arguments are.

So not WoW… moving on.

It is a huge stretch. Like a big one.

Preventative healing is the best kind of healing. I would form some type of analogy or example to make it easier to understand, but you seem dead set on being vitriolic in the forums.

Yup. Seems like this is the way to go, tbh. I haven’t seen them be civil in any of their responses/replies.

No clue what gave them that idea. I said 4th healing spec or nothing. Unholy is not perfect, but that does not mean I want it scrapped altogether.

Sounds neat. It kind of reminds me of JJK where they use curse energy (which is normally negative and destructive) to heal themselves, albeit not everyone can manage to do it.

Before “someone” argues that “not everyone can manage to do it” as a reason why Death Knights should not or cannot be healers, I want them to know that we are: Champion of Azeroth, Hero, Maw Walker, Guardian of Azeroth, Deathlord, Crusader, Dragonslayer, Bane of the Fallen King, Savior of Azeroth, The Light of Dawn, Astral Walker, Ironbane, Conqueror of Naxxramas, Conqueror of Orgrimmar/Ironforge, Overseer, and more. We, the players, are “special” and can, if given the chance, wield such “power.”

Is not healing. Sorry but its not.

Do it. Explain how you can heal a wound before it forms. You cant. Putting up an absorb is like wearing kneepads when you go skating, healing is what happens if you dont wear kneepads and you skin your knees when you fall. One is mitigation, the other is healing. Learn the difference.

Why would I be civil when you guys are constantly acting like im the idiot odd one out when you guys are trying to say absorbs are healing?