Unholy should be a ranged healer spec

Put this horrible take in the trash can where it belongs.

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Blizzard doesnā€™t let us tell people how dumb they are on the forums anymore so idiotic ideas like this continue.

Yea I just donā€™t understand why people are trying to force healing specs onto classes that do not heal. As i said it would be like saying hey lets remove what fury/arms does from warriors and make it a healing spec.

And people are suggesting giving dh a third spec that is healingā€¦ Just leave these classes alone

You are ignoring their fantasy entirely with this statement. And the fantasy is expressly communicated in the playstyle. Scourges are all about inflicting death and pain. And they are doing that by refusing to let their companions die. You know nothing of Lord Joko. Iā€™ll forgive your insolence for now.

Also wc1 necromancer was the hordeā€™s answer to healers. Which is has a lot of the same fantasy as dk (and dks in wc2 had a lot of the same spells). It could work as an anti healer.

Also iā€™m not particularly sold on the idea, just playing devilā€™s advocate. Not sure if i want uh losing fred the zombie.

Those are opposing things though. Placing barriers on team or those around you is not inflicting pain or death. You do need to raise your life force in order to do stuff with the shades but its still not a healer.

WC1 had the Necrolyte and it wasnt close to a healer. Raised dead, it sacrificed half of a units current health to make it impervious to attacks. WC2 DKā€™s werent the same as the 3rd / 4th gen dk. The things that were shared were raise dead and unholy armor. Everything else was different.

A healer heals, an anti-healer damages. DKā€™s are already anti-healers.

Being a healer just isnt in the cards.

The barrier is the animation magic. Iā€™ve always envisioned it as necromantic power animating something, just expressed as a barrier mechanically. Just how time magic on chrono is expressed alacrity but for renegade, lore wise itā€™s motivation of a leader (Kalla) producing the same mechanic (alacrity). You seriously never parsed gw2 lore correctly. Alot of the boons are this way.

Hereā€™s an example trait:

" When you remove or corrupt a boon from an enemy, gain barrier"

Name: ā€œFeed from Corruptionā€

Their necromantic energy is what fuels the barrier mechanic.

Thatā€™s precisely what iā€™m talking about. Unholy armor is effectively healing as a damage absorb. Raising things from the dead is a functional form of healing as it keeps something in combat. Just as necromantic energy is how scourges protect their health pool and that of others.

This phrase annoys me to no end. It doesnt matter how anyone envisions something all that matters is what the creators have created. ā€œIve always envisioned frost as a slow moving glacierā€ā€¦ cool create your own game then but thats not how frost has been created. "Why does unholy have a perma pet? Ive always envisionedā€¦ " it quite literally doesnt matter of how someone envisions something that they had no hand in creating.

Ill refer you to the quote I just made. If its you envisioning it then I really dont care what you think.

No its not. You do not gain health from Unholy Armor, you lose it, half of what you had. If you think that is healing then anything that mitigates damage to you is also healing in which case everything would be a healer to you even if its a dps spec that has something like a mass barrier, or an AMZ or some kind of damage reduction.

You should have seen UDK on MoP back in the days with the glyph of death coil, you could heal anyone regardless if it were undead or not and place them a shield of 29k absorb and. It escalated pretty them well with your mastery and strength to insane healing amounts even in skirmish with PvP Power like 200k per coil


Lol nice rant ignoring evidence provided. Both from other professions as well as traits. Itā€™s no wonder people here view you so negatively. Your inner rage doesnā€™t remove trait names and function from gw2. Your rant is amazingly hypocritical.

Itā€™s paying half of current health to absorb a potentially limitless amount (rts version anyway). If you canā€™t see how that could work as a healing tool (albeit counter intuitively), you lack imagination.

I agree DK is not meant to heal, it helps prevent magic damage via AMZ and AMS with TWW new talent and that it is, nothing else nothing more, it is the essence of the spec, massive damage through shadow and pets and being the magic damage dealers bane

I agree in its current implementation. I donā€™t think i want them to modify the status quo either. But pretending it couldnā€™t in the vein of necromancy and lore that exists is inaccurate. Hence my playing devilā€™s advocate for the fun of it.

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I donā€™t see how unholy death magic could be used to heal anyone, except for maybe undead. This concept makes little sense. Blood magic, sure.

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  • Anti magic shell for allies

  • Symbiotic diseases that invigorate regeneration

  • Spells that deaden the pain of your allies to reduce damage.

  • Undead minions that intercept attacks for allies

  • A CD that locks an allies soul inside them effectively giving them purgatory.

  • The ability to transfer lifeforce between allies.

I once read a book where a mage that thought he couldnā€™t heal because his magic could only break things apart learned how to use it to dissolve infections and parasites. Anything can be twisted to make sense with good writing.

Not that I remotely want UH to be a healer. 4th spec or not at all.


I didnt ignore anything. Again I do not care what you envision something to be unless you yourself created it.

Listen here buddyā€¦ I DONT CARE. Go tell it to your mom she might care about how you envision something.

What? You should have never started this nonsense to be frank. Oh no a time manipulator allows things to recharge quicker! My word who would have thought that would happen.


Mitigation is not healing.

Because its not healing. Quite frankly I dont know how you see it as one. No one gets healed by that ability. No ones hit points increases from that ability.

Death Knights were meant to bring death. What is a DK going to do? Rot someone to life?

Not healing.

Not healing

Not healing

Already have raise ally, but its still not healing.

Not healing.

Except there is no good writing going on here. Its saying things that are ā€œhealingā€ when its either mitigation, damage reduction or cleansing. Passing those things off as restoring someones health cant even be classified as a stretch, its just desperate to have an argument.

I see this comment got a response from a person I have blocked. Iā€™ve only ever blocked people for being bad faith and not critically engaging with what I said.

Who knows maybe they have a point but I ainā€™t gunna see it.

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Iā€™m not envisioning anything if you canā€™t process that the professions in gw2 have distinct fantasies but share general mechanics, thatā€™s on youā€¦

Liars are going to lie i guess.

Iā€™m going to be this guy. Lore wise, unholy magic is death magic. On the cosmic scale, it is the direct opponent to life magic. They are incompatible. Unholy necrotic magic can heal undead, but it rots and decays the living.

I backed up where i got that idea plenty. At this point itā€™s not envisioning. I used the wrong word. Now youā€™re being pedantic.

True statement about you though.