Unholy should be a ranged healer spec

We have two holy healing specs, why not unholy being a healing spec too. I only say this because DK is my favorite class and I like tanking and healing. (Paladin, Monk, and Druid are chill but DKs are the chillest)

A dark ranged caster that manipulates life energy to keep allies alive would be dope. And adding a new, different element on how they play/interact with content like Survival Hunter and Enhancement Shaman I always think is cool.

Obviously, they would have to basically create an entirely new class just for it to be one spec for DK but would be unreal nonetheless.


While I wouldn’t mind them adding a 4th healing spec, and I’ve seen some really cool ideas posted on here doing so, I would recommend putting a few vitriolic ppl on ignore pretty quickly—particularly someone whose name starts with a “K.”

That aside, as long as you still give us a melee disease knight spec under a different name, I could care less. You can have the name “Unholy,” but I do think they could do better.

No if anything unholy should be a ranged spec since it focuses on pet damage over your damage.


I think picking unholy for this, when blood magic exists, is a real miss.

Imagine a talent track that lets you bond with selected party members, similar to Beacon / Attonement.

A high % of damage party members take is staggered to you and you heal it back with Deathstrike. For the loose change, you can be providing them sustain through leech or feeding them your personal overhealing (what would otherwise be blood shield).

Obviously, everyone is pretty invested in their personal spec and no one wants to be the next Survival hunter, so the best way to approach this is with a separate spec.

Ultimately, there are enough people that really want a ranged dps necromancer that the better take is probably “give us a ranged DPS necromancer AND make their offspec a healer” and people would probably go bonkers over this. It would certainly be way more popular than Evoker and Monk.

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This is why necro should’ve been added.

Blood - life steal/transfer healer.
Bone - unique pet based tank spec (daoc necro)
Lich - shadow/frost DPS specs (think kel thuzad from hots)

I can only dream


So let me get this straight, this thread isnt going to happen and not really worth posting on, but you had to go and summon me because you have nothing better to do than talk about others. What is wrong with you?

Unholy doesnt even fit the healing theme when Blood exists. It literally already heals. You could do such much with it but DK’s dont fit a healer at all. I mean if we are going to talk about class fantasy like so many want to do with frost and Unholy, healing others doesnt really fit the class at all.


Why would you want to change a dps spec to a healing spec? This is a tone deaf suggestion if I ever heard one. I don’t hate your enthusiasm but doing this would piss a lot of people off, especially since you would kill the necromancer spec.

For some reason some people want dk to have a healing spec…Even though its not anything they can do. Personally I think unholy should be a ranged spec. After seeing Bolvar vs Sylvanas they wanted to add a fire spec and make it healing. Which is just no. Next they will want DH to lose its dps and just be tank healer. I do not understand why they want to force healers onto classes that do not have anything to do with healing.

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I swear people get upset over suggestions on these forums. DK devs will likely not read this. Shoot, even if they do, they probably won’t do it.

Just look at the DnD Cleave debacle and the countless post made weekly about it. It’s all feedback and suggestions.


No one is upset. DK healer isnt worth posting on. Its not going to happen and doesnt make sense since they want to inflict pain on others, its their curse, they dont want to heal others.

Why suggest something that goes against what the class is? Why do people want to force healing specs on classes that have nothing to do with healing like dk and dh? That would be like saying hey lets change Warriors fury spec to a healing spec.It just dosen’t make sense… And before you ask yes it has been suggested that dh get a 3rd spec as a healing spec.

And Blizzard said when DH was brought out they thought about it and giving a Demon Hunter a healing spec went against what they are.

Eh, healing your party is something blood has flirted with several times. (SL blood tap conduit). AMZ is a strong damage reduction CD. Group wide leech. It’s not a stretch by any means. I don’t think it fits unholy though.

Ideas I’ve seen posted before:

You could make blood a dedicated tank healer subspec if you wanted to. Treat it like beacon, have them link to a health pool and use a melee/death strike rotation to heal the damage back. This couldnt reduce tank damage taken because that would throw raid balance out the window, just probably copy some portion to the DK who would then replicate healing done with who they link with. You could also provide some shields through the mastery.

Blood worms could provide rot damage heals to the raid, and make them more potent for 5 man content.

Blood boil or the disease can also give you some aoe proc to heal your team for a small amount.

Blood could grant more group wide leech for burst windows.

Can lean into the bone shield fantasy and allow you to cast it on others for various benefits. If bone shield is applied to someone you can death coil to heal all targets with your bone shield applied.

Give another spec a spirit link CD since it fits the fantasy of the spec.

Heart strike or marrowrend putting a debuff on the target that gives attackers leech or a chance to heal.

This way DS becomes your big heal, death coil becomes your medium or spread heal, you toss around some shields, and blood worms/disease/debuff handle rot damage.

Remember when lich born would radiate death coils? There’s an aoe heal CD right there if you keep the death coil as a ranged heal idea. Consumption can be another big aoe heal/shield for raids. AMZ is your big damage reduction tool. That’s 3 solid cooldowns right there.

Lots you can do here. The tools are all there. It would very much so fit the theme of a lot of the kit without breaking class resonance. Not hard to picture a unit of the ebon blade having 1-2 medic style dks hurling death coils around making sure the front line guys are tip top shape for the fight…

A lot of people saying, “why would suggest that?”, “goes against everything they believe in”, “ruins necromancer aspirations”, “blood exists” etc, etc.

I hear you, I definitely do (blood is the best healer in the game). But why unholy healer? Simple. It’s super chill. Just an angsty boy with some empathy for the homies? Yeah that’s rad.


Someone suggested a Dk healer that had a chained-up Val’kyr that would do the healing and a sentient rune blade that increased the death knights range. I thought that was metal, so I said cool.

DK’s do not heal. Roger that. Why not enslave someone else to do it for you. As well as having a cool sword like Remornia? Sign me up. I’ll heal the whole raid by making the Val’kyr do it.

How do you know it goes against the class? If people were to say let’s make a class with specs that can be tanks and dps nowaday, these forums would lose their minds, but they did it.


So its not actually the DK healing, so what would the DK do in that case? Just stand around and be AFK? That goes against what a DK is. The devs intended the dk to kill stuff. They wanted the Death Knight to bring Death.

The devs outlook and how the class and the lore has been laid out.

Why would they?

Lose their minds in a good way like “OMG THEY BROUGHT IT BACK!” or lose their minds as in “OMG I CANT BELIEVE THEY WASTED TIME ON IT!”

And it was an experiment to see if specs being able to tank or dps would increase the amount of tanks available due to people being able to play the spec that they liked instead of having to go to a spec that they didnt. If it was a success they were looking into making the other dps options and tank options to do the other. Prot dps, fury tank, ret tank and so on. It did nothing to the tanking population through various reasons like you only need 20% of the population to be tanks at the most, you had to get an entirely new set of gear to tank for defense ratings (until that was changed) and tanking has a higher responsibility and doesnt want to deal with childish dps that blame everyone but themselves.

Getting Rosalina vibes from Smash bros and I can’t say I wouldn’t play it. Because I’d play the junk out of that spec. Valkyrie has different moves depending on how far away from you or your target she is. Would be rad.

That is not Unholy. That is not even dk They are not Chill and they do not have Empathy for anyone. At least that is how they are portrayed.

The healing a DK can do is either from Leeching health to heal themselves through different talents depending on the spec, Death strike which Focuses dark power into a strike that heals you for a %, and using death coil we can heal our undead minions. That is it. This deose not scream out healer or give healer vibes.

DK’s are the masters of death. We are also the undead…Kind of like the undead race but different. So again Nothing about DK’s have the healing vibe.

Playing devil’s advocate: they can still heal just in a twisted way. Like what if their healing was tied to reanimation instead healing normally? That’s basically the concept of the gw2 scourge: it refuses to let allies die.

I think there are instances of DKs showing concern for other characters wellbeing such as Thassarian and Koltira but their is no need for emotion in order to justify them healing allies.

They are first and foremost soldiers. Any soldier who can keep his comrades alive and healthy increase the odds of success. Pure utilitarianism and not an ounce of empathy to it.

You could very easily flavor there healing as being rough and painful because kindness is a luxury of the living as they command you flesh back together and force you adrenal glands to overproduce to make you ignore the pain and keep you fighting till you drop.

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The DK does not care about those around them. They are cursed to inflict pain / death.

Also, if a DK is a soldier, then their job is to either defend (which still allows them to inflict pain / death) or fight. They arent a medic.

GW2 Necromancer is still just a regular character like any warrior, ranger or mesmer. Just goes into necromancy. They also specifically dont summon anything that looks human-like.

The Scourge from what I can tell doesnt heal, but produces barriers.