Unholy - PVP while you can

That is a given, but even with chains up people can escape, and that is fine. He has a healthy amount of counter play for such a strong cooldown.

why are your posts always literal cancer and negative @ Kataklism every time i see you post its all talking down to people and bashing stuff like you are some tough guy


Agree, at first this talent sounded amazing against certain classes like Resto Druids and what not but that was confirmed that it’s an active cast heal is what re-triggers necros bargin right?

32% may be a bit high but but yes I would like to see it do more damage.

it takes 2 festering strikes and apoc to hit for 32% or 4 runes, 3 GCDs (4.5 second cast time) and 1 45 second CD.
greater pyro hits for 35%, 4 second cast time, no CD, mages can spam it.

Yeah ok that’s a fair point actually. The more I think about it I realise 32% Isn’t that much and you are already sacrificing all that ghoul damage from apoc spawns.

I will say though if someone is letting a mage spam cast a 4.5 second cast then they deserve to be blown up.

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in ebgs they get a lot of casts off standing the back of their group picking off melee on the front line. it’s one of the reasons i use reanimation.

I meant more for Arenas, for BG’s I suppose any caster can sit at the backline and cast away, just have to be aware.