Unholy Dk and Ele Shaman

Its funny how they balance. Several bgs now is just every unholy dk and ele shaman doing close to 100M damage than a 50-70M gap with everyone else


Yea, such a shame Blizzard decided now was the perfect time to make Blitz Brawl rated.

Should have waited until season one.

Introducing new talents and completely messing everything up is not a good time for many classes. I’ve seen literally zero ferals. Maybe one or two enhancement shamans.

And shadow priests are flopping over so easily. Glad it’s not just me. You think a shadow PRIEST would be able to heal more than a pure dps class, but not in this game. The nerf to leech hurt my playstyle. I lost 5% leech on my gear after the patch. So now my mindbender seems to heal like garbage, even with all the talents including the one in the base tree.

DK be nerf first patch so don’t worry.

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Has anyone tried making 1000 DKs fight 1000 ele shamans in a battle simulator yet?


the dks would probs win due to anti magic haha

Way back in the day there was a shaman vs paladin wpvp battle. Maybe someone needs to coordinate a UHDK vs ELE event :slight_smile:

since we are all in the TWW waiting room now for the next 3 weeks based on how busted this pre patch is.

Goofy comments like this are why they don’t read our feedback


They spent a total of 0 seconds worrying about whether or not prepatch would be balanced and they made the right choice.

There is zero reason to balance a patch that lasts a month


kinda this.
The patch main focus was to stabilize warbands and all the new stuff (some stuff with warbands banks and stuff not working properly still), they used an old build from beta they been testing for a while instead of trying to get the newest one.

Again, the build currently on live is old one from beta, lots of nerfes and tuning that have already been fixed on beta havent been deployed on live. Things are actually much different, stop whining.
Heck, the huge tank rebalance that hit beta last week is not live either.

That’s fine.

But why have pvp with rating in it if that’s the case?

Why make Blitz Brawl rated now instead of before? Seems like a really strange thing.

Well keep in mind that you can grab a different build and instead of ele shaman dk its going to be rdruid hunter or whatever because beta is still beta.

This rated blitz period is just irrelevant, well actually relevant for testing purposes. The real deal is next season. Might not be cool but beats the alternative of never deploying because of waiting for well balanced game and then having to deal with bugs once season starts. Consider it the lesser evil.

So that you can still play for fun if you want with a mmr system

There are no meaningful rewards

There was already mmr in casual bg blitz, nothing has changed besides the location of the queue button and a fake grey number that’s going to reset in s1.

Don’t think the game is meant to feel balanced right this second. I believe the changes that were made pre-patch were made with the next expansion in mind.

True, and all those elemental shaman and unholy dk are probably over 1800 right now fighting each other LOL.

Tbf I’m not even playing rn. There’s no reason to and to play PvP would just be self torture.

Blitz ques are still instapopping late at night. You play shaman, ele is free real estate right now. Probably not even gonna level shaman for awhile I’ll be bored of lava bursting by the time prepatch is over and its going to lose tier set.

I spec changed and never got around to trying it. It’s going to be a very painful wait until TWW.

Today I did a bunch of spring cleaning tho.

ye I thought SOD was going to be a project ascension ripoff and I was stoked to play it during down time. But nah… it’s just classic grind with a few retail spells and procs added in. D4 is trash still and they are already about to ask for xpac money when there’s literally zero social features.


It’s off-season rating, it doesn’t count :slight_smile:

it’s cosmetic rating man you can’t even get the xmogs anymore chill