Unfair mount status in BFA

Yea lets remember this when these forums will be flooded with Alliance outcries when we will get to kill Tyrande or Malfurion. I doubt that Blizzard will actually let Alliance to go through this whole expansion unscathed but so far that is the case.

Only prominent Horde characters are Baine, Gallywix, Talanji and if i will really reach out Lor Themar and Thallrysa. Alliance has Anduin, Genn, Alleria, Turalyon, Malfurion, Shandris, Tyrande, Jaina. I am pretty sure the pool is pretty big to draw from if they wanted. They did not even dared to kill Mekatorque who will pull out Magni, and come back two expansions from now with new Tinker class. Mark my words.

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I mean if you want to factor your outrage around speculation, be my guest lol.

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Yeah, that’s missing a bunch of Horde-only mounts. It doesn’t show any of the racial ground mounts and it’s missing some of the PVP mounts.


A bee that comes from Stormsong Valley. A bee that isn’t seen anywhere on Zandalar. A bee that was never once promoted as being useable by both factions.

You assumed. And assumed incorrectly.


That list isn’t accurate. But even if you look here:


Alliance mounts. Search for “usable by alliance”. 136 results.


Horde mounts. Search for “usable by horde”. 132 results.

So it looks like Alliance is up by 4 with regards to faction exclusive mounts. There may be discrepancies but I’m not wasting time looking for them. Bottom line is it’s pretty close to even. No need for anyone to complain on either side.


I would really love a blue post on this.

I know, I’m dreaming.

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It’s ok… just found out the Honeyback Hivemother is coming soon…

MUAHAHAHA. Horde Rejoice.

I got the Heavenly Azure serpent and the spellwing, so I’m happy.

I’ll take what we got over the horse army. I think the bee mount looks dumb.


Astraviasta, where did you find this info?

Yeah but we would have to have horde toons to get those 2 mounts. How is that fair that we have to be mudhut living trolls to get both of those mounts huh? You talk about unfair, you get 2 to our 1.

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I don’t think anyone on our side would stand in your way, honestly.


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You mean an elite npc, found using bumbles, the alliance pet bee?


Posted this in another thread -I’d be down to have the mount unlocked on both factions—> provided you unlock it on an alliance alt.

I’m up to friendly now, and I think like…HALF a bar of nourishment or whatever on the larvae. I can tell it’s gonna be a hot minute. Kudos to those that already unlocked theirs.

Oh can this subject please stay confined to one thread? I’ll bring cookies!



Thank you!
I believe, though, that this is the NPC you buy jellies from. I’d love it if this model were used for a mount as well…




Nah… im hoping the more times this thread pops up… the sooner blizzard will right this wrong.


So play the entire game and stop being a racist in a video game. Who buys a game and deliberately plays half? You have EVERY OPTION to go get these and won’t. That’s your problem.

And you know what? Life isn’t always FAIR. You’ll have to suck that up.

My fellow Americans so often act like entitled two-year-olds. No, you’re not owed everything; you’re not owed ANYTHING.


NOTHING is stopping anyone from rolling an Alliance, getting this bee mount, and using it with their Alliance toons. Now stop crying like spoiled babies.