Unfair mount status in BFA

Eh, it’s not that bad. I ground out 3000 rep in two nights. Should be done in 3-4 weeks at that rate.

Well Said !


thats your choice. I wish you luck on your crusade.

Oh yea being forced to stand against our own, betray our Warchief and lay siege to our Capital AGAIN, is great compensenation. Oh yea also dont forget killing two of our major characters and making one villain, while Alliance did not lost anyone.


What are you talking about. i dont follow.

I was responding to the person complaining about the grind for the mount.

How could we lose anyone when we don’t do anything?


who cares about lore… this is about mounts.

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I like how you named the Horde rep mounts but conveniently left out:

Stormsong Valley: Gryphon & Horse
Drustvar: Gryphon & Horse
Tiragarde Sound: Gryphon & Horse

Imagine playing Horde and being this ignorant because you want a pixelated bee, lol.


The reason why we get this is because we only got Horse mount reskins and absolutely 0, and I mean 0, story for Uldir bosses or that raid in general

Stop complaining. Let the Alliance have this one.


remember me when i rejoice when a reskin of the bee mounts is available to everyone.


Horde only: Choice in quests.
Horde only:Full CGI cinematics.
Horde only: Straight back option for a model.

Alliance only:Fat humans, bling draenei, blueberry elves and almost certainly gnomes who have cut off their arms and/or legs and replaced them with doctor robotnic limbs.

Horde likely to get:By far the most desired race as playable, namely Vulpera. Oh and they got last expansion’s most desired, Nightborne.

You also need to mention you get a rather nice spectral version of the pterrorwing-- that counts. It also does count that all of our reputation mounts are BAD composites of old models.

It really adds up quite fairly when you stand back. Oh and you also can’t ignore the fact a lot of people only play one faction-- meaning many Alliance players won’t get those mounts.


Lets also not forget that BoD was nothing but a device to introduce Zandalari as a Horde race and was never factored into the overarching story at all afterwards.


When alliance get a second mount quest horde can use the bee and the second mount.

Op’s mad that our horses look nice.
the bee is just an excuse to attack and steal our horses!


Blood elves hate bees! You need to leave the beekeeping to the Gnomes!


Many of you are going to have a really bad day when you find out the only place real equality happens is in prison.

If you’re going to mention those please also mention the pre BFA launch mounts and how alliance got a recolored hippogryph and Horde got a unique plaguebat.

Also, this is probably just blizz making up for not giving alliance weapon emissary quests for a year while horde got them every couple weeks.


If it ends up being an island expedition reskin mount with a terrible drop rate, I doubt there will be much rejoicing by anyone.

I simply cannot understand at all why they would make it restricted… I don’t mind having to do the quest on my alliance character just like I wouldn’t mind doing the direhorn or kua’fon ones on a Horde character if I was an Alliance main, but nope, this isn’t even an option.
It simply makes no sense, no matter which faction you are, if you think this is fine you’re just an idiot.
I’d be equally pissed at this stupidity even if I was alliance.

It seems I choose the wrong faction to get my 400 mount achievement.
This is ridiculous.