Unending updates?

Everytime I open the launcher to play Classic it updates. Literally. Every. Time. Are these actual updates or am I stuck in some sort of loop because it’s bugging when it’s installed? Does anyone know?

Could be some last minute hot fixes

It has been happening for a lot of people. Blizzard stated that it is looking into the issue.

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i have it too. it is not fun. but we’ll survive.

we survived “Additional instances can not be launched” and “the ice stone has melted”.

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There’s not yet been an announced update that I’ve seen but they are working on it.

I’m guessing I’ve gotten 20 updates in the past 3 days.

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Give 'em time to fix it. It’s only been happening for 3 days. Small Indie company.

I was getting the updates constantly so I just caught one and paused it.

Haven’t gotten any more updates since then. My TBC Classic client is still “waiting to update”.

okay, currently doing scan/repair on both games sequentially to see if it fixes it. I’m sort of out of ideas at this point. Sure, they’ll fix it ‘eventually’ but I’ve seen that go six plus months.

These updates are causing my game to constantly crash and then prevent me from even launching the program.

Fix the issue Blizzard.

You literally pay people to look at, assess, and fix these problems. If the current team can’t do jack all, get someone in there who can fix it, OR stop pushing updates until the root issue is resolved.

You have enough PR problems and shouldn’t add poor product performance to that. Start putting your money where the mouth is supposed to be.

Yeah same.
I also went into the battle.net menu settings for downloads and clicked the option for “Never automatically apply updates”. Temporary fix but seems to have worked for me.

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Thanks Asma. Never thought of that. Sometimes the obvious solution is right under your nose.

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Might be the only option for now. The constant, repeated updates had fragmented my drives all to heck and gone. My computer was barely running! At this point I keep expecting Wow installations to start popping up on my antivirus software. They ignore us, we ignore them…it’s a perfect circle. Let us know when you’ve got this whipped will you Activision?