Underwhelming Mistweaver changes in Shadowlands

Hi, I was just curious if anyone else who plays Mistweaver is really disappointed by the changes coming in Shadowlands?
In Legion I felt like the spec was so stripped down and reworked that it fundamentally wasn’t even like I was playing the same character and in BfA I was saddened to see that they were continuing this style of play. Now, while there is at least still time to vocalize problems, I wanted to see how many Mistweaver players still desire that old MoP style of gameplay? I genuinely dislike the mechanics of current Mistweaver, it feels so much closer to being a generic healer when it was so unique in the past and Shadowlands is doing nothing to change that

If I find out that this is a common opinion I want to do a full write-up on what made old Mistweaver feel so great to play and hope that Blizzard at least brings back some of the spec i used to love


This isn’t news, the 7.0 rework is a complete failure

The 8.0 changes made the spec functional, but still lacks the identity and fun of what makes a mistweaver

and now here we are in the 9.0 alpha

getting old chi-ji baseline is ok I guess, though the spell is currently incomplete according to the tooltip, as it is doing exactly what old chi-ji does

Hoping for a revert is a bit silly at this point, as much as I wish they would do it.

I think the biggest first step they can do is changing Essence Font’s role in our kit.
Making it more of an “enabler” spell for potential new interactions or to set up a burst or whatever, rather than it being our bread and butter spell that does a 1/3rd of our healing just by pressing the button.

As for fistweaving they seem content with its current state, with WOTC becoming baseline as a stronger but less available version, and rising mist just staying how it is.

As a quick glance on the alpha, the discipline priest bias seems very real, and since disc basically plays the same as WoD MW mechanically speaking, I’m gonna stick to it.


There is no argument: Mistweaver is the most generic healer in the game right now and potentially across all mainstream MMOs. It simply has zero identity. This spec can be pulled from WoW and dropped into any other MMO with a new name and you would not say “hey, isn’t this more of a “Monk” playstyle?”

In MoP and WoD we were exactly as advertised. We were frontline fighters who learned to manipulate the Mist around us to heal our allies. The original Mistweavers were fighting right alongside those of the Ox and Tiger schools against the Mogu, they were not 40 yards back spamming the same 2 healing spells over and over.

In the Legion rework, Blizzard decided that pressing Jab twice to enable Uplift was too much ‘setup’ for MW and thus the rework happened even though Disc was reworked to require substantially more setup and Holy Paladin slowly got to fill the same niche we had in MoP/WoD.

One way to fix MW is to start moving it towards meleeing mattering. And that does not mean having some talents that promote meleeing–it means having our melee abilities be a fundamental part of our kit and identity. Allow us to be Monks again.


I agree with you completely, so far mist-weavers have appeared lackluster and lacking flavor. It annoys me how holy paladins are more melee oriented as a healer then monks. I re leveled a new monk on a different faction and server and the whole leveling experience felt awful compared to what it was like in Mist of Pandaria. Honestly, for me it all went down hill with the class when WoD v6.0.2 changed Serpent stance. and split fist-weaving and regular healing into two separate stances, it completely ruined the fluidity and the class. It suddenly felt clunky and awful ever since then.

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These are some changes for Mistweavers that I’d like to see in Shadowlands: