Undermine(d) warlock changes

Great to see the pages of needed warlock fixes.

Oh wait, that’s every other class.

At least there’s a blue post requesting feedback with detailed reasoning behind their intended designs.

Oh wait, that’s only for hunters and druids.

Guess it’s a good things warlocks are in a great space beating most other specs.


Come on.
Warlock was like the sole focus of dev attention for many Alpha and Beta builds. Lets not throw a tantrum because we’re not the focus in the first major patch.

Hunters desperately needed attention (I actually main Aff Warlock in case you think I’m biased here). Can’t comment for Druids though.

The tier set bonuses look decent and even though it’s a single change, the Soul Rot change makes a lot of sense and will be better.

A class doesn’t need changes to go from C tier to B or A tier in the next season. Gear and stat allocation, trinkets, tier sets and stat scaling can do a ton of heavy lifting.

As much as I agree with you here, I always find this a really curious argument when it comes to modern gaming; WoW has also suffered the same fate as other multiplayer games which rely on content creators, stats programs, and simulations that find the meta. It doesn’t make sense that low playrate, low damage specs are not getting attention in a competitive setting. If the combat team is struggling to find ways to holistically balance classes with both theme and damage in mind, they need to pick one and stick to it. On the other hand, they should be prepared to incur the wrath of the community if one is much weaker than the other, especially since the major game systems revolve around class perception.

Currently, it’s beyond rediculous that a class like rogue can exist in it’s current form for over 2 years, and that extremely low play rate specs like affliction, feral, sub, outlaw, and arms do not see more attention compared to other specs during expansion tuning passes (I’m ok with larger peception changes on xpac launch but the patch tuning has been laughable this expansion). I’d be more worried if I was a class that was dead on average since they should be seeing the least amount of tuning and talent design shifts. I don’t care that certain raid tiers are bad for certain specs (look at this tier design and aff), something should be done to tune classes up and down during seasons especially since the patch cadence is 8 weeks and you can easily fit talent balance within these patches. It’s been years since a spec is truly almost unviable for mythic clearing guilds on an end boss – not even 1-trick affliction players are playing it on ansurek.

Moreover, the fact that there are certain talents that are completely unpickable in an agency-driven talent system is dumb.

Obviously we’re not the only class with these issues (especially since the majority of our unpickable talents are in the class tree), but low playrate is equally as bad as overtuning a class, and should be looked at each patch cycle instead of waiting 6 months to try and deal with imbalances and poor player reception.


That would be true if every other class wasnt receiving MULTIPLE PvP buffs Throughout the season AFTER warlock (specifically affliction) got nerfed several times. Your logic COULD make sense if every class was given equal and fair treatment.

How in the world would hunter need a attention?? Thats insane. I can jump on a hunter alt and afk win. BM is literally undispellable dots that have 100% uptime. MM is uninteruptable massive damage. mobility/defense/ heals for days. If you dont know how to play the easiest class in the game just say THAT

I’m curious how some of the destruction design changes that are supposed to address complexity will work out. The RoF choice node could be interesting, but it doesn’t really address the issue of mobs moving out of it. Perhaps if it attached to the mob and followed them around, but that’s extremely unlikely.

A lot of these will probably come down to numbers and tuning I suppose.

I wonder what their tuning formula is for rof in the first place since they need to assume that some of the damage will miss in most content. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future they’ll move to the ravager / sentinel formula and have rof track your target slowly like you stated.

Probably poorly like most of the passive-style formula talents that they’ve had in the past. Usually, they tune them less because they are intentionally a lower skill ceiling.

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Haha, and look at the state of warlocks for most of the expansion so far.

Affliction is an actual joke, and the PVE performance of warlocks has been mostly in the toilet.

The trees are poorly designed - and are still poorly designed. They don’t seem to know what they’re doing or what they want.

But it’s ok, Aff will be fine now that drain life has been buffed by 100%. A 100% buff to nothing is just 100% more nothing…

Also for Frost Mages Blizzard and Frozen Orb it would be awesome.

Aff hasn’t been fun since Legion imo.

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