New content drop is an absolutely disaster. I usually don’t complain about this kinda stuff but Jesus you guys did a horrible job with this new launch.
Not impressed at all.
New content drop is an absolutely disaster. I usually don’t complain about this kinda stuff but Jesus you guys did a horrible job with this new launch.
Not impressed at all.
looks like currencies reset yesterday. I had my angry face on last night.
Yes, but you normally get an item to drop for the character you’re playing, as that is the character you are trying to improve.
right. what i mean is, the drop rate for world bosses has always been bad enough that you might never see a drop from one if you’re only playing one character.
Completely random piece, or matched to the specialization of the player random piece each week?
Where are the Forged Equipment Chest conquest boxes? I have tons of conquest points from season 1 and just finished leveling all my characters (all 13 classes) to 80 today, only to discover that there are no conquest boxes to buy any more, as of this week! Can you please put them back in?
Why even have a Brewmaster spec in the game if you’re going to ignore it so much?
So does this mean we can get a drop each week that is potentially useless unless we have a stable of alts?
pretty much…soo stupid
Has anyone confirmed if it’s possible to get more than one loot drop per week yet?
It doesn’t need confirmation, because we already know it doesn’t. It’s one guaranteed random armor type warbound piece, once per week, account wide. Do not bother killing the new boss more than once per week on any character, you won’t get anything.
Thank you very much! This is what I was hoping to have confirmed
Appreciate it!
I understand its specific only for warbound gear but will it also randomly drop bind on pickup gear randomly for alts like the old system?
I do the world boss on each alt mostly to collect the universal mog thats useable by all class of that type of gear since you can’t get that anywhere else. Can anyone confirm if they have gotten random Bop gear from it on different alts?
Hi Blizzard.
My holy paladin alt got a 649 ilvl 2h int weapon from a delve map. This was a nice ilvl upgrade from my 593 ilvl weapon.
Unfortunately you’ve ignored all feedback about giving holy paladins 2h int weapons since the expansion launched so I’m now unable to cast SotR, the only holy power damage dealing ability the spec has.
Many have given you suggestions on what to do about this including just adding damage to light of dawn, which is currently a very lackluster spender anyway. Another option would be to give PvE holy paladins access to denounce.
Anyway, it’s still very annoying that you’ve left this spec with a shield requirement for their only damage dealing holy power spender. Especially if you’re going to now randomly give me 2h int weapons all the time.
So far these feels like an absolutely terrible change to how world bosses have always worked. It feels pointless on alts and it means that you cant even farm the appearances with a bunch of alts.
I can’t understand why they would change something that didnt need changing at all.
better idea would release story mode now so people are on the same page and same rep as everyone else
Yeah, honestly it’s not even about the damage — It’s about the playstyle.
… More specifically & especially for Elemental spec.
It should be reverted it back, because the current playstyle of Primordial Wave is widely despised. It’s not fun at all; whereas → Season 1 Primordial Wave WAS fun and satisfying to play with.
It’s precisely why I made Shaman: Primordial Wave MEGATHREAD , which has already gained a lot of traction and established the raw majority of players agree with such a sentiment.
Thought this boss was supposed to drop guaranteed loot? I didn’t get anything for killing itt.