I know that, personally, I dislike those sets beyond what they do.
The whole theme around RNG and Casino like feature/name REALLY irks me.
I hate casinos and everything they contain.
So from theme alone, I’m really turned off.
Setting aside the names…
The 2 set
I don’t like things that cancel themselves, so anything that says gain buff by doing X but doing X might cancel the buff is intrinsically unexciting to me.
The 4 set
I think I know what they are going for.
Back when Divine Purpose was actually good (SL and before), the feeling of getting back to back to back proc was pretty amazing.
The thing is, we’re already kind of doing that with the amount of HP we got.
It might balance out the accumulation of Judgement debuff on target though but that’s kind of a problem in and of itself.
If the Judgement debuff is always up then might as well just put it in the spenders and make it do something else…
The only role I play seriously is healing, so I can’t speak for Ret, but I really really like the Holy bonus, especially combined with the recent buff to Holy Shock. Divine Toll is going to be more available and much, much stronger than currently. And it’s already pretty available and decently strong.
It sucks. Rets spenders (outside of Hammer of light) suck to press. We are alrrady spamming soender after spender this proc is not exciting at all. Its a indirect buff to herald too since it gets higher spender damage when a dawnlight is up.
The rate as which we are using back to back spenders is very high this is why I said its a low impact set bonus.
Also , until they open up about hammer of light on the ptr (its not benefitting from judgement or dawn ) we dont know if they intent templar to release this way
Ohh I agree with this, but 4 sec of free spender is probably gonna be 4 spenders back to back.
But the conversion of 8 stack of HoL (supposing you’re in shake the heavens window) to damage is really marginal.
And Herald buff spenders by 5% on targets that have Dawnlight whilst spenders are a fraction of what we do.
They are both very marginal in term of synergy.
It doesn’t work like that on live, I doubt they intend it to work differently after the patch.
Whether or not it is a priority for launch is a different story.
The content will be live on the 25th and the raid and M+ unlock the following week.
So at the very least there’s still 2 week to fix it and as we’ve seen before, they often do sweeping pre-release tuning and fixing days before something goes live.
the tier set is also a very unhealthy rng variance, your damage will very much be regulated on how much “luck” you have. better pray your spender procs rg at the 8th spender, and you get proper aow procs, and you get the tier buff during your es window and you have enoguh judgement debuffs. if not? woopsy sorry try again next time…
Nothing about this tier set excites me at all. I get the whole goblin thing and greed and gambling and as RP thing that’s fine. Totally understandable. However designing inconsistency in to a game where people take their DPS very seriously comes off as not only foolish and short sighted but poorly designed at best. Not a fan.
Not goina lie, im semi happy about it. Not because i like it but it will bring ret down SLIGHTLY in M+ compared my my hunter.
I disliked how easy tet is to play and the damage it does. I wanted a slightly more skill based playstyle without having up bust out a piano fir an enhancement shaman.
I rather see all classes do well vs a meta so defined if you dont play meta you dont get to play in groups.
They don’t balance damage around ease of play.
Great paladins should be defined by the use of their utilities and they don’t balance damage around those anymore either.
All the specs need to do loosely the same amount of damage because they all need to be able to complete the hardest form of content.
Where they end up on a average damage report after is dependent on multiple factors one of which is raid design/mechanics that give an advantage to certain damage profile vs others.
The only reason it seems like it deals more damage than others in M+ is because on low keys and up to 10’s, the mobs don’t have enough health for the fights to let shine specs that requires more prep or that have a slower ramp.
Ret has a quick ramp and somewhat steady damage afterward.
I don’t know if you meant to say Ret was meta but it wasn’t.
It was highly popular, but it’s not the same as “meta”.
The meta is Paly tank, Priest healer, Aug Evo, Enh shaman and then some other classes but more often than not above 15 was Frost DK.
Yea but they should. Why do you think I and many others complain the spec is braindead easy to pick up and perform VERY WELL against other different spec mains. They feel cheated. They all have a guildie that rerolled ret and on day one is performing the same or better than their old main spec. That is fundamentaly wrong. A day 1 ret shouldnt blow out of the water other mains just because they can press wake es hammer of light. Just because it is keys below 12 doesnt mean its a non issue. Just because ret isnt the MDI level players favorite spec doesnt mean its ok.
The spec has been watered down too much while keeping performance high. On my keys as tank the amount of rets just doing top dps and dying to air or never pressing their defensives is too high and I never went past +8. Its even worse in pvo where just by doing their rotation they take someones hp in a single hit.
It went from “the spec is accesible” to “the spec is doing too much too easily”.
They are making a gameplay choice. They just don’t realise it.
It’s not like any spec can literally just spam 1 button and expect good result.
Trying to excerpt any sense of superiority from executing a rotation correctly in WoW is misguided and frankly rather sad.
Congrats on doing what you were supposed to do to play your spec correctly.
It’s like having 2 janitors in a building and have one arguing he should be paid more because he has to walk further to throw out the trash from his side of the building.
You’re just throwing the trash with extra steps.
Within the confine of a spec, for sure.
Across classes? No.
They are making a game that has for goal the participation of everyone, if a spec is mathematically incapable of achieving the hardest form of content it means they failed.
So the all the specs that share a same role should be within a relatively small % of each others so as to be interchangeable if the needs arise.
If a DPS can’t make it to raid, you should be able to replace by any other DPS and expect loosely similar damage.
You are clown world personified and the target audience for such sweeping changes. Not worth of my time. Bot.
What gameplay choice? To play the spec they like over a ret that can 123 their way to top dps? Have you played other specs? There is not a single dps out there thats as easy to pilot than a ret paladin.
Why do you want that? There is no mastery or experience tied to performance anymore its just the spec pushing people to where they probably shouldnt be. Its 10.0.7 ret but for pve, its even worse since its still top performing while doing half the work of others.
In what world does participation topple having an actual learning curve, improvement over your own gameplay? You keep appealing to authority as if blizzard has put any thought behind dumbing down or making a spec giga complicated. Its literally rets bad luck it fell into the hands of a lazy, underperforming dev that designed it this way after years of it being considered a meme.
It feels like Im talking to someone whos never worked hard to improve or achieve anything. How can you revel in playing something thats so unrewarding and cheap?
There should always be a relation between mastery / experience / skill with a spec and its performance. Always. At beginner intermediate and cutting edge level.