I was very non-committal and underwhelmed by the Undermine patch before it went live; but I figured that could be fine because the part of Goblin lore that interested me was never about Gallywix or casinos and so this raid patch wasn’t really aimed at me. But now that I’ve completed it all and thought about why I’m disappointed…I think I now realize and notice a trend.
Firstly, I’m not telling anybody else that they can’t like what they got in the Undermined patch. This topic won’t be about quality. What I would say, is this patch felt like a side plot that got an incredible share of all the money and time the developers have available…while the most relevant and urgent and consistent main plot got ignored and had barely any attention or money used for it at all. Essentially the main plot got treated like a side plot.
This also happened in the initial launch patch of War Within…but it wasn’t true for all of world of warcraft. I never felt this way or made this conclusion for vanilla/bc/wrath/cata/mists/wod/legion. So I tried to work my way backward…
Undermine patch: goblin stuff side plot treated as main plot, main plot should be beledar and the world soul but they’re barely side plot.
Azj’kahet patch: nerubian stuff side plot treated as main plot, main plot should be beledar and world soul and earthen titankeepers.
Amirdrassil patch: Frivolous and irrelevant fire dragon side plot treated as main plot, main plot of emerald dream and lifelands and missing Freya and missing Tyr and Alexstrasza herself barely treated as side plot and neglected and never resolved.
Aberrus patch: random nobody npc from the dracthyr starting zone that even dracthyr players didn’t remember being tricked by a faceless one which should have been a side plot treated as main plot, meanwhile the main plot of void and old gods creating the incarnates and tyr and all titan keepers never being sought out and never consulted and every single other main dragonflight color never going down to help or clear anything up is barely treated as side plot and totally neglected and unfulfilled.
Vault of Incarnates patch: illogical and contrived random cultist groups appearing out of nowhere and never before mentioned Grimtotem npc barely worth a side plot treated as main plot, meanwhile main plot should be the Elemental Lords and elements activities around the world as well as titan keepers history discovered in new Uldaman wing and in caves on dragon isles where IMMEDIATELY we should be going to see the elemental lords and titan keepers and ask them what is going on and what the real history was and how they can help with the crisis…but barely treated as side plot and neglected and never addressed and left contradictory or unfulfilled.
Sepulcher First Ones patch: Worthless robot custodians and cheap copy of ethereal ‘broker’ npcs that are side plot at best were treated as main plot, whereas all the unethical First One machines and scams and farming of anima that reveals shadowlands are a fake and not the real “Realms of Death” should be the main plot…yet gets ignored and neglected and is contradictory and unfulfilled as side plot at best.
Sanctum Domination patch: treats the illogical and contradictory and inconsistent replacement sylvanas writing that doesn’t match the sylvanas writing from warcraft 3 until end of wrath side plot stuff as main plot, whereas First One stuff hinted at in Korthia should be main plot but is never treated correctly…gets neglected and ignored and unfulfilled as barely side plot and we still don’t know what Korthia is supposed to be.
Nathria patch: Strange illogical side plot npcs from all 4 zones that never really explain their connection to each other nor give any good explanation for why there are these four zones that should matter if there are infinite floating islands for souls to go to…which this side plot was treated as if it were a main plot, meanwhile the Azeroth Death Knights and all their sigils lore and undeath lore and helm of domination lore and sentient weapons lore in addition to night warrior of elune explanation and in addition to what is the Arbiter and what does it do and why and how does it do that…all 3 of which should be Main Plot instead gets neglected or ignored or unfulfilled and barely treated as side plot.
N’Zoth patch: Mogu stuff and Uldum stuff and random false stormwind/orgrimmar illusion predictions that are only side plot which were never going to happen get treated as main plot, whereas the main plot of what is Nyalotha and where is it and what is the Heart Chamber and the Sword still sitting there in Silithus get ignored or neglected or unfulfilled as side plot?
Azshara patch: Relatively okay patch, actually…except it should have better explained the Heart Chamber and how azerite would actually release the chains and serve as a better cohesive flow from the early patch to the ending patch thereafter.
Dazar’alor patch: Totally out of place faction fighting side plot and nothing my Horde characters in game would ever participate in… treated as main plot, and ironically it could have made more sense to have an Undermine goblin raid patch right there during BFA…which should have been the “South Seas” expansion anyway. You could have had Gallywix messing with azerite and xal’atath but failing in the technology and revealing an old god conspiracy leading to eternal palace next raid patch. That would have been a goblin raid and goblin patch that was main plot at the time.
Uldir patch: Nonsense side plot stuff of essentially race recolors and faction fake news fighting which got treated as main plot, whereas the main plot of healing the planet and removing the sword in silithus and figuring out what the heart chamber is and what Azerite is…should have been the main plot but got ignored or neglected or unfulfilled as barely side plot.
Going further back in time than that…I never felt such a whiplash effect of Main Plot and Side Plot being reversed in terms of developer time and money and attention. Even in the expansions that were not that good…say WoD or Cata…this reversal of main plot and side plot did not appear to be happening.
I’m worried for Midnight and Last Titan if this trend continues…