Undermined gives me Main plot/Side plot reversal whiplash

Goblin patch gave me my hope back the future of WOW story might get better soon.

Where exactly did Xal’atath say that Beledar was the primary focus of her efforts w/r/t to Earthen or the Nerbians?

And everything else you typed here is just your opinions with “objectively” placed in front of them. Anyone can do that, it doesn’t make them true.


She doesn’t. At all. She literally tells Alleria her goal was to have us empower the Black Blood for her. Which is what we ended up unknowingly doing.

Some people just don’t pay attention and than make up scenarios that never took place


Indeed she had us empower the Black Blood and proceeded to send it into the Priory of the Sacred Flame directly into the Dark Heart.

That tells us the Black Blood is surrounding Hallowfall and that the Priory of the Sacred Flame is right in the middle of all that.

Since Xal’atath needs power and the Dark Heart left broken was taken she is going to absorb the Black Blood directly in order to complete the Awakening I suspect and pay the Priory another visit to ingest all the Black Blood(Patch 11.1.5’s notes mention her Nerubians making one final attack on Hallowfall so that may be to get as much Black Blood into her as possible).

“The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.”

Xal’atath once she consumes all that Black Blood will reveal her true face at the fall of Night.

I’m noticing a lot on these forums that people do not pay attention at all to the lore, the theme or the general feel of warcraft.

We got OP making up scenarios and getting frustrated that it isn’t aligning with his mind, because the actual story isn’t what he thought.

We got others claiming that goblins feel so detached from warcraft and how it is for the modern audience (yes, GD got real mad about it before the thread was purged), not realising that this has been the goblin theme for over 10 years now and nothing about the undermine or the story is modern…well I mean it can be but the story is basically godfather 3.

A lot of people just see wow as high fantasy tolkien stuff it seems while ignoring everything else about warcraft that makes it warcraft.