Undermine Appreciation Post

I went to bed last night as a gnome…and woke up today as a goblin. I’m at least half a foot taller!

Undermine won me over. I was blind to just how cool goblins are, and their rich history since vanilla WoW. I was complaining that a goblin patch during a cosmic void storyline wouldn’t work, I said the swerve to goblins didn’t make sense and yada yada yada. But now I wish that cosmic void storyline wasn’t a thing because a local (Azeroth) story about goblins is way better.

These are the kind of patches/outdoor content I’ve been waiting for since at least BfA or Legion. No disrespect to the earthen and dracthyr… (all the disrespect to Shadowlands though!)

Some of the Gallywix lines make me laugh out loud for real, he just cracks me up. The music of the zone is perfect, the way the zone looks is awesome, its all so cool and really makes me feel like logging in again for something other than m+.

What’s your favorite part of Undermine so far?!


Everything about it is my favorite. I love the vibe. The nooks and crannies. The small details.

I’m slowly making my way through the side quests and world quests. Very grateful we have this week to explore before jumping into M+ and the raid!

I love it. Drive is so so fun, the music is 11/10, the atmosphere is perfect.

Best patch zone in a long, long time. Maybe best patch zone ever!


This is what I am going to do today after I finish my morning coffee pot.

I actually took the time to read every quest and I haven’t done that in a long time. Maybe since Shadowlands, that is around the time my interest/investment in the story took a dive off a cliff.

Undermine is glorious so far, and I’ve enjoyed exploring it. Couldn’t agree more on it potentially being the best patch zone ever!


Zone is very, very thematic. Story is…coherent and actually good. Lots of little easter eggs throughout. Music is A+++.


I love everything about D.R.I.V.E. It’s so much fun.


Good call; Gnomes are ridiculous, Goblins are awesome.

Great patch so far; interesting story and the zone is a wonderful change from all the… nature.

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I feel like I’m slightly less puntable now!

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I adore the music. :popcorn::robot:


Yeah they really knocked it out of the park with the music. I feel like a gangster while cruisin’ around.


I hate goblins and it’s a great zone! The car is great to, the forums and Reddit made me expect it to suck but it’s easy to drive.

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Still worried they scrapped the robot rex mount and darkfuse tabard. :robot::sweat_drops:

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The volume of quests between the new section of Ringing Deeps, the Ka’ja Coast and Undermine itself is hefty.

Add in the campaign and it’s roughly equivalent to the launch zones of Kaz Algar. Very impressive. Loved the Knights of the Brown Table quest with the kobalds.

The two new delves and new stories for existing delves. A raid. A dungeon. Highest effort .1 patch in a long time.

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I hope this much time, care/passion, is put into future patch zones. It is the first one in a long time that doesn’t feel hollow or tedious. Emerald Dream was pretty but I just wasn’t invested in any of it.

Emerald Dream wasn’t so bad, but the sad thing is that DF’s .1 patch was Zalarek Caverns, which does not stand up to Undermine at all.

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I’ll be honest with you, I completely forgot about Zaralek Caverns.

I’ve ben saying this in other threads and I’ll say it again: this is probably one of the best patch zones added in a while.

My two favorite aspects of Undermine are the music and the metropolitan city theme.



Once I got a good feel for holding space bar and moving the mouse, I was having fun whippin’ :poop:'ies.

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Hey yo, no head bonks! If you mess with the fro, ya got to go! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I love everything! Really loving it all. I especially enjoy finding so much activity. Every building is packed with things to find. Just love it! :heart_eyes:

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