Exploring the zone has been neat so far. I actually stop and stare at a lot of stuff lol.
I am loving that it is a completely different vibe and felt more like a new expansion than a patch.
Sadly, it is just a very very small expansion
Agreed, I would take 3 or 4 more zones like this.
It gives me hope for Midnight (and beyond) and seeing the revamped areas of the Eastern Kingdoms. So much care and detail was put into Undermine and it feels like a real city/big town. A new Silvermoon might just be crazy!
Undermine feels like home, like Azeroth. It is nice to spend time with the goblins, an integral race since the game started, but we never got to see much of them beyond small outposts.
I love getting hammered non stop by KOS random red goblins littered everywhere who do no real damage and seem only there to annoy and make us stop and waste time because that’s what someone thinks is immersive game play.
Before the “but the world feels alive and dangerous” folks come after me with pitchforks, the only threat they cause is a loss of interest having to stop and play whack-a-mole, except it’s stupid whack-a-mole because it serves no real purpose.
The zone design and music are as really well done as ever.
yeah it feels super great. on my cluster it’s heavy alliance sided and i mainly play with wm on and keeping my head down, picking fights off roof tops, and getting in shoot outs in apartment buildings has been an absolute blast. It’s a really weird comparison but it almost makes me think of max payne at times.
at first hated it, use to it now loving the new zone and rares and stuff to do
A lot of people are. They’re such delightful little rascals.
The music I guess. Oh and the transmog! Holy hell those armor sets are cool! I love the black version we get from delves. I just wish the red wasn’t pvp. Although I heard aspirant gear is easy to get, so maybe I’ll make the effort. An orc in the red plate set would be pretty amazing.
just pvp if you want it?
Yeah man. I said that.
cool dude!
I was skeptical at first and ready to jump off the bandwagon. But, this is, and I don’t care what anyone says: one of the most beautiful zones released in quite some time. Sure it’s the goblin stuff, but we get so little goblin stuff that we now have the goblin stuff we always wanted.
I wasn’t sold on D.R.I.V.E. right away, but, now I get it, And the Renown and Rep has to be the easiest grinds I’ve ever pursued. Which is a blessing. I’ll be able to finish the reps and renowns before the monotonous burn out kicks in.
Storywise: meh, but not a bad meh, it delivers the goblin humor, the goblin culture, the goblin action. As a goblin fan and as one who has coined the phrase “cautiously unoptimistic” I’ve been thoroughly befuddled.
Now we wait for the new season and see if me and the group can get back to Mythic+! A full season we couldn’t do it! Come on Gobbos don’t fail me now!