Undermine Alliance Reconnections

I played Kelle (priest) or Hailenator (druid). I played in Templars of Undermine I think.

Kelle #1288

Hah! Well, hello there. :wink:

NE Resto Druid
Don’t remember my vanilla guilds, been in a lot.

Will be playing classic on Faerlina

Olgan > Dwarf Rogue < Drunken Monkey > < The Great>
Kaidas > Human Paladin < Drunken Monkey >

This is my main from back then…
Human Holy Paladin
The Watch Wolves
Pretty much looking for any of the people I used to play with, when it comes to names though, my memory sucks.

comawhite - druid - < Exodus > & < C O N Q U E S T >
hi <3

Howdy, Undermine of old!

This was my main at the time, Splorg, although this char was a Night Elf.

Anyone from Insidious out there? Or wayward former members of Death Merchants or The Good Timezz? Perhaps some folks I annoyed in trade chat?

Contact me on bnet - Splorg#11287

Sifeus - Night Elf Warrior

Where’s Azod, Fae, Onyx, Syladine, Syler, et al?

A few of them started back a year or so ago. Still on undermine in a guild named people that annoy you. I know Angelfox is in there pretty actively.

Kromofvahl - Great Ret Paladin healer
Now playing on Pagle TBC as Mayfrost

ran a guild on undermine named Akatsuki, was a loud mouth in trade chat… Memories

Good ole Undog

hihi, Veksen, human prot warrior, was here from Wrath to Cata, made a lot of good friends & memories here


Krom! The best pally healer. Barbeson here. Your trusted tank

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Ah Barbeson, I looked for ya a few times on armory but your character never updated so I figured you quit :frowning: Karazhan hasn’t been the same without your tanking

  • Schäferei
  • Protection Paladin
  • Blame the Heals

What happened after 2010: Cataclysm did not turn out like players had hoped. 4 large progression raiding guilds in Undermine merged, and then merged again with Stormrage guilds. I realm-transferred with the remaining guildies Stormrage. So here I am.

The essence of my name is the same. Dumuzid is the Mesopotamian guardian spirit for shepherds. :smiley:

Contact on bnet: Dumuzi#11442

Padragon, you still around? It’s me, Byzantine, human warrior :slight_smile: