Undermine Alliance Reconnections

Night Elf
Kaldorei of Lore / Army of Hope

Noobenstein, where are you???

Night Elf
Kaldorei of Lore/ Army of Hope

Miss you Noobenstein! Maleficous! Babyblue! And many more :slight_smile: We still play!

Just wanting to reconnect with anyone I used to play with. Bnet is LOKI#13948

wow i was the gm of knights templar for a long time, talk about name i never thought id see again. I played a rogue by the name hoshi

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ShadowPact, Champions of Light, Cold Day In Hell
Doomwolf, Sephira, Phoenixfire, Areith

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Night Elf Huntress
Knights of Templar ( First and only I remember)

I started quite a bit late 2006 and early 2007. I want to reconnect with my friends Slifer, Zeaakm, Scola, and Westnile, among others :slight_smile:

Wutsu nelf hunter
Arkhangel nelf rogue



Night elf Druid

Sword of Azeroth

Hoping to reconnect with old friends.


I played with you in Iron Force? Idk what ever happend to Ginn and the guild. I went to CONQUEST And then Men Don’t Wipe before xfering to Shattered Hand and faction changing.

Savannahxx (Night Elf Hunter)
My battletag is Savannah#11607. Feel free to add me if you want to reconnect.

My dad also played a Night Elf Hunter called Amoodwelle. He was the GM of a guild called The Pleasure Gods. I can put him in touch with you if you’d like to reconnect with him.

Belmung (Dwarf Paladin)
I mostly played Hpal with very little Ret.

I played little vanilla and lots of BC on undermine.
The only names I remember of guildmates are Kuda (warrior) and Omnimortal (rogue), Melee (Shaman), Merlin (Mage), and i think someone kind of like the name Zarhmiah (warlock).
I remember Omni always played with a disc priest whos name escapes me.

Anyway, if that name rings a bell for you, my tag is Arbitro#1659

oh yeah long time no see dude how you been!!!

Very vaguely remember you but not as GM of knights Templar. I thought a night elf priest named manny was GM, must’ve been before or after my time.

I remember the Belmung! We did the Holy Pally healing thing for a bit together in Ascendents (Ascendants?) in Serpentshrine Cavern and after.

In Vanilla, Axaeron was in Templars of Undermine (I think). The only players I remember from then are Eramon, Richardfunk, Arrol, Pepenator, and Hailenator.

In TBC I joined Ascendents/ants and was part of the crew that transferred from Undermine to Rexxar to create the guild called YARG.


Koldark, Nelf Hunter
Phoenix Guard
Anyone really.

Let’s see…

I don’t remember much about those times, but…

This toon, Cande was a human paladin.

I played late vanilla, early BC with a group that included Nightmistress, Nyt, Dey, Laylyn, Gladorlad…

Yo Chri! Sewell here - debating classic now…

Axaeron!!! I remember raiding with you !! Add me on bnet brother! Arbitro#1659

** Your character’s name, race and class*
FYODOR, Male Night Elf, Restoration/ Balance
** The name of your original guild on this realm.*
Itarilde Miriel
** The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.*
**LETARIAN et al **

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I remember playing with all three of you!