Underlord Vik'tis in Dread Pit - Stinging Swarm AOE has no radius

As per the title. Not sure why, but on my demon hunter, I am able to vault and infernal leap my way very far away from the guy when he casts stinging swarm, to the point where the spell effect on my screen is visibly not touching me, yet I still was taking constant damage, seemingly unavoidable no matter how far away I went. I feel like this wasn’t intentional and might be bugged, considering as a tank I hardly survived it. I had to switch Brann from DPS to heals even though I was fine most of the delve, and even then I barely survived.

Tier 4 The Dread Pit delve, final boss Underlord Vik’tis, ability - Stinging Swarm.

Update: Since the nerfs a week or two ago (as of october 3rd), this ability is far easier to just tank through on whatever tier.


Stinging Swarm is ridiculous. BM Hunter. Tier 8. I tried Intimidate and Counter Shot. Nope. I tried getting far away like you. Nope. I tried LOS behind stalagmites. Nope. I tried kiting him through eggs (because Method says they do big damage to mobs). Nope. I tried kiting him through eggs I destroyed to become webs. Nope. I tried running him up to Luch to see if that useless dude actually becomes useful. Nope. I tried kiting him even further. Nope (despawns after first group of eggs by Luch).

So my only guess is that you have to be overgeared and be able to heal LOTS through the swarms while at the same time, DPSing him down like mad.

Easy enough. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



Thanks for testing all of that! There are also a lot of comments on his page on Wowhead confirming the experiences, and people saying to just save all your defensives for it, hopefully you have a class with some good ones that don’t have terrible cooldowns and Brann is a good healer. If it’s intentional, I just wish it was more clear.

I wish there were ‘adventure guide’ posts for the Delve bosses on their abilities, especially with higher tiers unlocking. I was at the exact recommended ilvl for the tier I was in, and I hadn’t had anywhere near as much damage issues with other delve bosses even higher tiers below the rec’d ilvl.

Yeah, it’s just a channel… even though it’s not supposed to be i think that’ takes 200k health from you every few seconds! It’s painful, especially for a warlock who is getting slower and squishier.
Darn Healers, why’d you have to complain? You made the game harder for everyone and you still hold up the queues. I hope you’re all one shots and lose mana faster than you can think and are given like 600 different spells. I hope you can’t even do a delve! Or even a world quest!

Did a 5 man delve tier 8 and this ability does 1.9m dps. Basically everyone died except our tank.


Stining swarm sucks. Wiped my group multiple times until no hearts and group fell apart :melting_face:

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There is a radius, its EXTREMELY far away. Pop your movement ability and run but yeah, this is dumb - a four man team shouldn’t be wiping on a single ability that isn’t explained, doesn’t have a indicated radius, can’t be kicked or avoided. Its bad design and it punishes the player for NO reason. Punish players for mistakes, not because “difficulty”. They are striking out with delves, its really sad.


Bring a potion, time your best defensive, usen bran as a healer and you should be fine, most of the time bran potions and a small defensive is enough

Literally just finished this delve on 8 while trying to figure out how to beat it and stumbled across this post. I am a BM hunter.

Here is how I got past it. The only way I was able to not take damage was run out to where I could not even attack him. I was out of my max attack range. I used pets to position him near the entrance and was able to use the wide area to figure it out.

Good luck other classes.

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On my Warrior and Ive lost my bountiful delve because of this nonsense.

I just competed this now on tier 8, was pretty easy with my VW able to tank it while i ran out of range, terrible mechanic for people that can’t get far enough away :cry:

Not sure that “progress no further unless you’re X class or Y spec” should be a part of Delves.

There is a radius, just really, really far away lol. Vengeful Retreat + 2 Fel Rush and just kept running and I didn’t die. Netherwalk helped as well. ilvl 585 havoc dh. Hope this helps!

Every time I tried to get far enough away the boss resets.

The effect area of his frontal cone attack is off also.

I have to be a good distance away from the edge of the attack even though I’m not actually in it, I still got hit for 12M damage.

This boss definitely needs some attention.

I did mine on T7 with a level 15 Brann that has all 1/4 curios.

The Curio upgrades don’t seem to be dropping for me at all either.
I’ve gotten none so far.

I did it on T8 with disc priest and DPS Brann, but not before I ran out of hearts.

1st swarm: PS + PI + heal spam
2nd swarm: UP + PS + heal spam
3rd swarm: PW:B + Rapture + shield spam
4th swarm: out of range

Finally he died.

Getting hit for 1m in a t8. Literal cake walk to get here then can’t survive the second cast great content Blizzard and thanks for wasting my time with your garbage. This content is so horrible. dungeons are boring delves are boring and crafting has gone full annoying. Thank goodness i used gold to get this trash.

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Just did it now, we had someone calling out the swarm and all legged it as far as we could. Out-ranging it definitely worked and we killed him on the second try with no deaths

This is just a horrible experience trying to do this a disc priest.
Can get him through 3 swarms with CDs, but then I am tapped can’t seem to range the attack.

The “we” part would help. I was doing it solo T8. I managed to do it T7 solo the area left no room to range and bran is bad at agro. Did it as shadow first one I used flash heal pw shield desperate prayer then vampiric embrace to get back to full. second one used flash heal pw shield health dropped and triggered the prevent death i healed myself back up and on third time I had to use dispersion and a health pot to finish. way too much work for what its worth.

Oh absolutely, groups make delves much easier, but even on this boss it was rough for melee. Our dps was two rogues and a pally, so aside from cloaking through one of the swarms, you had to sprint out for the others. Just saying it’s doable

i got him! yus! t8 demonlogy lock 576. I switched Brann to heals and gave him light touched idol which heals 4% ever sec when you use a defensive and lifeless necrotic relic in case he killed me toward the end of the fight and so i couldnt die immediately and would have a chance to maybe get a final blow in. turns out, i didnt need the second relic.

The first swarm, I popped unending resolve, second I popped dark pact. I kept at max distance and also put teleports further out in case i needed. the first two swarms were easy. the third, I had no defensives up so I drained life and used Branns pots. 4th swarm, pact was back up. He didn’t get a 5th off.

I don’t know if he was patched or I just came up with a good strat but this worked for me. Hopefully this knowledge can help others too.