Underlord Vik'tis in Dread Pit - Stinging Swarm AOE has no radius

The thing is this swarm do about 30 secs? while DPS defensive cd is like 2-3 mins CD. It’s just not lining up and the damage is quite massive, healer couldn’t possibly top DPS HP all the time.

If anyone is still struggling with the swarm, I just downed him on T8 with arms warrior. I kite him to the one end of the clif he spawns on and then when I see him channeling the swarm I heroic leap and run out off range. There is in fact a range to this powerful swarm AOE move, its just very large. If you have any movement moves to get yourself out of range quickly save them for this part and just focus your attacks when he goes underground and kite and attack. Stay alive, rinse and repeat.

It’s a 60 yard radius.

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This fight still sucks… that aoe either needs reduced in size or nerfed in power or both I dont know. I tried until I ran out of lives, not going to make that same mistake again.

Set brann to healer and leverage his potions during the aoe.

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This is the way.

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Yep. I’ve done it as well with both a warlock and a hunter. It does have a radius, it’s just a really, REALLY big one… much larger than any class’s attack/cast range. Others here have said 60 yds, which seems about right with my experience (I didn’t take an exact measurement). He doesn’t move while he channels the swarm, though, so you really just need to GTFO until he’s done. I suppose if you’re a mage you could ice block through it and Cold Snap to refresh for the next one, hope to kill him before he does it a third time…

This fight is absolute trash. Trying to avoid the ground phase and cast while not getting cornered just to have him impale you. when that pops, if you PWS you do not clear the OUTRAGEOUS hit box of the spikes from the ground. I die to them more than the swarm. This boss is terrible Blizzard but since you dont care about players, just know someone spits in your food everyday :slight_smile:

P.S. My trash-level player skills(20 year vet with all WoW Classic Raids down on Heroic, with 4 full gear raid toons o.0) couldn’t beat this boss on my shadow priest and I dont want to go do stupid tier 7 after I trucked the delve only to smash my face against this disgrace. Mad me so frustrated I quit playing wow and went and played something else. I dont even want to come back to ttry and beat him since it feels rigged and I wont waste my time more than I already do with Blizzard’s products

The fight isn’t anywhere near the level of difficulty you’re hyping it up to be, even on an 11.