Underlight Angler no skill tree

When I click on the pearl there is no skill tree for my underlight angler, is there any talk of fixing this soon?

The skill tree was frozen after Legion ended and the artifact knowledge was unobtainable anymore (or at least, turned into gray unusable trash). My guess is that instead of some people having Underlight Anglers that had fully upgraded skill trees before the freeze and some people with partially upgraded, Blizz may have decided to remove all Underlight Angler passive skills? I’m only guessing. The spell that teleports you to the nearest fishing node has been moved to the Spellbook “General” tab (when you have Underlight equipped in your professions window.)

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You can still fill out the tree, you just can’t see anything until it’s fixed.

Check the comments here:

People have recently figured out how to run scripts in the chat window to apply the artifact power manually. You won’t see it happening visually, but you will see your artifact power going down when it successfully applies to the one you choose.

Hopefully they fix this soon.

No, the fish needed that are used as artifact power can still be fished up like they always were. Nothing has been removed, but the pearl interface has been broken for a while now. You used to be able to use a script to open up the window on the pearl. Now the window opens, but it’s blank.

There are some scripts over on wowhead that will allow you to continue to use the artifact power fish. You just won’t see the tree.

You can still use the waterwalking ability and the swim as a fish ability. The teleport however, is broken and has been for a long time.

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yeah the scripts are not working for me, all i can see is Artifact Power 11,300 and nothing else. I cant do anything at all, wish I could share the screen shot with you.

Entirely incorrect. The Angler was the ONLY artifact from Legion that you could still power up and fill out the tree once the expansion was over.

It never did use the conventional Artifact power from Legion. You used the special fish obtained by fishing with Arcane Lures in the Broken Isles to get special baits tied to each zone/environment that let you catch fish that gave the rod AP once thrown back into water. The Giant Pearl you fished up and eventually placed in the BI Dalaran fountain while the rod was equipped was the “forge” used to activate the traits within it’s tree.

In DF it got hit with a few nerfs to how the water walking and auto-fish form for it worked. Plus the engineer made DF fishing rods rendered it pretty much useless for zones outside of DF due to having the same +fishing skill AND perception stat.

Looks like TWW pre-patch has entirely removed the trait tree for it and disabled any unlocked traits on it though. However, before pre-patch, it still functioned the same way it did back in when Legion was current content.

Betting no one really noticed till now since it was rendered functionally obsolete for then current content by the DF rods, so no one was still using their old murloc skeleton any more.

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thank you, I took a break from the game and came back during DF, so i was doing old content. but thank you for that info, thats what I needed to know.

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That sucks. The last few patches must have broken the script use then. Some of those script comments were posted less than a month ago. :frowning:

I just tried them on my alt that was working on hers. You’re right. None of the scripts work now. Bummer.

I’m still using my skelly boy rod on several alts. There is an addon that auto-magically enables the passives on the rod when you go underwater, or need to water-walk.

It’s called Underlight Angler Auto. I just tested it. Water walking still works. Turning into a fish still works. I had to do a fishing cast first to “enable” the rods abilities, but as long as you had those already active in the tree, you can still use them.

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thank you, wish i could remember what i had active lol

yup can confirm the skill window is blank

Still broken.

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got to wonder if blizzard is aware of this.

I was two fish away from underwater breathing node :frowning:

I’ll repeat my reply from elsewhere here, hopefully it’s useful.

There is one heck of a method to keep track of the Underlight Angler’s skill tree, because it still exists but its UI has been busted.

The most important part is to always make sure you have opened up the skill tree window with that shift + right click before you use any of these scripts, otherwise nothing will happen.

What you will get is stuff listed in the chat window, and you can click on the blue bits to get the various detailed information.

URLs work as they do, so here’s the adjusted version.

wowhead dot com/item=133755/underlight-angler#comments:id=5910366

That particular comment has the entire setup of the scripts you can use, both to show what level every skill is currently at and how to add new levels once you have enough artifact power collected. (I have yet to try the latter part myself, but I also haven’t been fishing in Legion water since foreeever.) You can scroll down to other comments that describe various things as well.

Hopefully this system still works in the current patch.


where does it show the command to do this?

I picked up the Angler fresh while leveling a new a toon recently (under level 60).
The Angler’s skill tree and powering it with fish for AP worked just like it did during Legion.

Just tested it with an 80 toon that has had the rod since Legion as well and it now works normally as well (before I was seeing the same blank UI where the trait tree used to be). Was able to right-click the rod to see the tree with no problems. And I was able to add more AP to it from newly caught special fish as well as unlock traits that hadn’t been unlocked before (I only ever invested enough to get the capstones before) with no issues.

Guess whatever change was made to “disable” the Angler’s abilities ended up being reverted or changed so it works normally again.