Underlight Angler Bugs?

wow y’all really think I’m running around dragon flight zones expecting to fish up barrels? :joy:

I must have been doing the same during bfa and shadowlands also right? :joy:

let me ask you this, have you fished up a barrel since the changes (in legion zones obviously) cause I have not.

can confirm the angler AP works again. The instant-fishing up of pools however, does not :frowning:


Same issue, hours of a life taken away.

All I have to show for the effort now are the crates of bauble transmogs.


@Blizzard, why is this not fixed yet??

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To this day the system still does not work.

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Last I checked, you have to equip the item in your weapon slot to get the Legion benefits. If you put it in your Fishing Gear slot on the fishing tab, you will not obtain them.

This is incorrect, while equipping it that way would work, it is not required.

The pole has to be out or visible to work, which when in the profession slot means the fishing buff has to be on, and to not have told the one person to hide profession gear visually.

So theres two ways to get its benefits from the profession slot, the first is removing and putting the angler back in the profession gear slot to get the fishing buff up.

The other is simply just throwing the line should put the buff on and thus the angler effects, and can move immediately after throwing it out and don’t need to catch anything.

An example for fixing it by reequipping the gear in Dragonflight

Or by fishing briefly


1-4 are incorrect
It will transform you into a fish, out of combat, by swapping it out with another pole. The macro I use is:
/dismount [mounted]
/equip Underlight Angler
/equip Khaz’gorite Fisherfriend
You must enable “show fishing gear” with the tauren female npc in valdrakken that allows you to choose to show/hide all gathering / crafting / fishing gear separately.