Under Development: WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

The more WoWHead keeps posting, the more I get excited for this event. They have found some pretty insane stuff that I really want.


I have explained this a hundred times in the past month.

You may enjoy the questing, the PVP, the dungeons, the raids, etc.

But for some people, collecting is the entire game and this many collection related things being tied to a limited time event just screams blizzard doesn’t respect us.

All they have to do is say this event will return in the future occasionally and it’d be fine.

But limited time events kill all my excitement for said events.


Please let the dungeons and raids be soloable <3 Or at least flex from 1-30 people, if others want to bring friends etc.

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Yeah I’m pretty stoked they’re finally giving people that don’t want to run the mythic+ and/or raiding hamster wheel some options.


Please Stop with this kind of limited time offer content that has you playing different game modes where the only tie in to my actual wow characters and account is some cosmetics that we have to get with the FOMO gameplay style.

when you add in plunderstorm and now this theres like 5 different game modes.

Why couldnt you do something like a mix of this and fated for the season.
where instead of making fated a rotating weekly raid lockout that basically nobody likes because of the insanity that is preparing strats for a different raid each week, Just do a season where we go back and visit and old raid from a few expacs ago.

Throw in some chromie timewalking questline for the world content enjoyers and scale up some of the world content from w.e raid patch they chose.

Very much hope this style of short term random game mode content is not the norm moving forword into the World Saga


Welcome to your first video game?

You’re talking to me like I’m not a collector too and my point is as a collector Blizzard over saturating the game with the endless flow of cosmetics is killing my desire to collect.

It almost takes no effort to get the highest level collecting achievements.


Obviously, you get your vote, but some of us actually like this kind of stuff…so please don’t stop Blizz. Keep making these random events to keep us entertained while we wait for new content to drop.


99.999999% of this has me squealing with glee, but again I see ‘limited time’ and it just makes me raise my fists to the heavens screaming into the void.

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Hell yeah, what he said.


you could easily buy carries - anyone who wanted one could have gotten one

It’s like timewalking, only way better. Which is why they call it Timerunning, I suppose. I’m not sure why people are so upset. They will likely have others like it from other expansions and rotate them, just like timewalking. It’s not really FOMO if it’s coming back. No more than Noblegarden or Winterveil or anything else is.

I think it’s really nice to have little side things that cycle in and out. :upside_down_face:

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So you never go to shows? Out to the movies? Conventions? Never participated in a commemorative event? Family reunion?


Hell no. That’s FOMO.

I feel you on this. As a comic book collector I watched Marvel tank their own variant cover markets by flooding stores with so many variants it killed the value of everything. Intrinsically and economically for a lot of people.


This is a genious idea to make classic/sod players and retail players meet halfway in retail but still with a heavy dose of classic. Im betting this is gonna be a big success engagement wise


After further review I’ve decided that this is Blizz’s way of giving us the finger once again. People have been asking to be able to Chromie time to 70. This is their way of monkey pawing that wish for the player base.

This kind of leveling should just be a built in option for retail the moment you’ve completed the current questing experience on a single character. You should be able to chromie time all past expansions TO LEVEL CAP once you’ve experienced the current expansion.

This is just their way of corrupting a wish.

And, once again, I hate them for it.

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Lost interest in Dragonflight near the end of S2… this… this might bring me back… looks super fun


Yeah I was immediately drawn to the fact some of this seems SOD-esque (ive been playing SoD and classic only the past 3 months) but will come back to retail for this.

They saw how SoD skyrocketed their sub numbers in the middle of DF and wanted to translate it over!!


Yeah like the same 5 to 10 people say nobody likes FOMO but a server that’s nothing but FOMO is doing great (SOD).

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