Under Development: WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria


ROFL exactly. 32 mounts. All recolors.

What are we complaining about people?


Are these achievements shared with main account? As a way to get past events as part of TWW Warband toon?

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Everyone is just complaining to complain because all we do is complain.

Source: I’m not complaining so nobody else has a reason to complain.

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Yes, after the event your character and everything they collected merges with your account. :upside_down_face:


Reading most of the threads it’s pretty clear plunderstorm hate was really 99% because of it being PvP.

This is getting a lot of positive feedback despite it having every issue that PS has except it’s not PvP.

Time limited
Not playing your character
Need to log into a different client
FOMO cosmetics to bribe people into doing it.

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The announcement said that the achievements will turn into feats of strength in retail…so yes, but it won’t really matter.

Damn that white CM mount looks better than the originals.


Okay this I can get behind.

I’ve adjusted my initial take. I’m no longer positive about it.

This is a bastardization of the wish for expanded Chromie time and yet another FOMO engagement push.


Looks fine. Didn’t do a whole lot in Panda land so this will be interesting.

Also, remember how people hated the plunderstorm roll out due to zero ptr/information? Don’t do that again. This announcement right here is, to me, the proper way. Play close to the chest if you want, but don’t mislead or obfuscate things as you did with plunderstorm.


They released MoP to get kids in who were interested in Kung Fu Panda 2 and now they are doing it again with Kung Fu Panda 4. I quit back then, and if it wasn’t for Vanilla and SoD I’d quit again.

I think it’s cool. One of the turn offs of classic for me is not having all your accomplishments under one account.

Not that anyone cares, but I like the simplicity of being in one place rather just a stand alone. Plunderstorm could have used a lot more little achievements. Win a trio. Win a duo. Last 5. X number of spells.

Off on a tangent, but I didn’t get to play MoP so I’m excited

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

I swear you people are never happy with anything lmao

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They are testing it on the PTR on the weekend.

Exactly, I said I supported them doing that and that it should keep happening.

Same with mythic raids, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still difficult. Come on bro be real. :roll_eyes:

Something else that’s going to be awesome about this is the Cloak XP bonus and it’s shared progression. In the announcement screenshot, it showed +324% bonus xp and it doesn’t seem like that is the max…it’s going to be the perfect time to level some alts

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Looks like an actual blast. Down to give this a crack :smiley::ok_hand:

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