Yeah, though the original verbiage is still visible in the Wowhead article. Proof that we’re not all crazy!
I just want to know will this be Claas /Specs as they currently are or will this be Class/spec as thery were in Mists?
Ok… this looks awesome!
This is my lucky-doo lol
challenge sets weren’t ‘difficult to obtain’ but you can’t pick out a few words from a sentence
Maybe not for you, but they were a more difficult to obtain reward otherwise everyone would have em that played then.
I hope for the latter. I miss the Bear Hug ability.
So do I . I want to play the spec i miss Range Survive.
I started this toon as a Goblin R SSurv hunter back in Cata and played the spec until WoD 6.2.
Will always be my favorite time playing the game
Is it Possible to get the Gold Challenge mode Xmog? or a cool look alike to it? the deathknight is one of my most fav ones and was never able to get it
Yeah it seems more like a special version of Chromie time
I would imagine it is NOW specs, not THEN specs, as they can be migrated over to retail once the event is over (unless they change that part too).
It will probably have it’s own servers like Plunder did . So he will probably be able to make his Padgarre Panda
I suspect it would be the equivalent max iLvl to go into the expansion with. For example: If I didn’t set foot into a dungeon or raid and only got quest/loot gear. Then I would expect the equivalent loot/quest gear iLvl for that ready for expansion gear.
Like I use the pre expansion world events to bring my close but not quite maxed characters up to max level with good gear. And then, time permitting work down the list. Maybe this event is the equivalent but separate from the main gameplay so that they can do the same sort of stuff they did with Plunderstorm without messing up people’s regular gameplay .
what will happen with the names? lie if they are already owned?
I wonder if dracthyr will be available for play in it sounds like no possibly if it’s starting at level 10 huh
Why can’t we dragon ride and breath fire on things too? That’d be a cool feature!
That’s a neat idea. Reminds me of that suggestion Taliesin made in one of his videos. Playing through an expansion at super speed will be neat. Something worth a try.
Time to slap Garrosh’s buns once again.
Oh, and now we even got a Sailor Moon mog to match!
Are you SERIOUSLY going to implement a heritage armor for Draenei that has horns clipping?!
It’s like the art team has given up the same as the development team has.
Before plunderstorm: “Stop with the FOMO!”
During plunderstorm: “We asked you to stop with the FOMO”
Here’s 32 mounts (and who knows how many pets, toys, and transmog) in a limited time event.
You ruined all excitement I had when I read this when I saw it was limited time.
I don’t get why anyone cares at this point.
When this gets released, we’ll either be over a 1000 mounts or right at it.
Hundreds of transmogs.
Close to 2000 pets.
How many possible toys yet? Close to 1000 with that too?
People can ignore this event, trip over a rock to get a mount to fall into their bag, then instantly have the 500 mount achievement.
Obviously I’m being silly but not by much. They are over saturating the game with cosmetics so fast that I don’t understand how anyone can suffer from FOMO anymore.