Under Development: WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

Are you folks (talking to Blizzard) angry with those of who actually like playing retail?

It feels like my subscription is paying for all this separate content I didn’t ask for and generally don’t consume. I sure wish most of the extra effort being put into these other games, game modes, experiments, and so on, were being put into actual retail World of Warcraft instead. Right now the only link is the FOMO of missing out on mounts and transmogs. “Play this or you’ll feel bad later due to false scarcity” is a net negative.

You could have made Plunderstorm a 60-player Arena and just changed our action bars. At least it would have had our character names. Remix:MoP could have been wow retail Season 4 instead of requiring us to make temporary throwaway characters.

You’ve all but killed my raid guild - most of them are either playing classic/SoD/Plunderstorm/whatever or don’t feel the investment in their retail characters to keep them playing and now play other games.

It feels bad.


Well I sincerely hope they allow at least 4, for me at least, it is mentioned you can have more than ONE character. I am hoping to make at minimum, 4, one for each armor type. Unless they bring forward the new transmog thing from TWW.


This. 1000% this. Also I want to be able to have more than 1 Evoker on a server now.

Pretty sure that article said the stuff is BoA?

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I have to read it AGAIN sigh lol I know some of it is cosmetics but cannot recall if I saw BOA … I do have short term memory loss so, I’m off to read it again!

If there was a note talking about character limits that’s since been removed, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just expect you to decide which characters to keep and which to cut at the conclusion of the event.

There was a LOT to take in. LOL I don’t even remember it all. :grin:


Yes, I recall this part now

You’ll be able to use this currency to purchase upgrades and World of Warcraft account-bound cosmetics.

But I imagined other drops, throughout the levelling process, that may or may not be BOA. Just my thought process, need one of each armor type …until TWW that is!

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There was, and it has been removed.

It’ll be fun to see if they go all in on the crazy game-breaking abilities allowing characters to do things that would normally not be possible. Just throw balance out the window and have fun for a bit in the same way Diablo characters can with the right setup.

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Well, I guess looking at your specific situation, it does apply to you.
But I don’t think “splitting up” the player base applies to every guild (or players) out there.

But I do get that it may “split up” your guildies though.


Ug. The timing of this event is unfortunate.

I’m not looking to expand my alt collection at this time.
I’m feeling a little burnt out on temporary events.
I’m in the middle of re-evaluating my collecting goals.

A temporary windfall of collectibles behind levelling a new alt is sort of the perfect storm of things that don’t mesh well with my current mood :frowning:


seperate like plunder, but I’d be really surprised if you couldn’t make a guild and join it

This is kinda related to another question I have here: How are instances going to be balanced in this ‘remix’? Are they still going to be designed as group content, or is the power dynamic going to be such that you’ll be able to solo them if you’re powerful enough?

I personally hope there is a range. Weaker characters can tackle them together in groups ranging from 2 to 5, with finished, fully geared characters being able to just demolish everything.

very cool glad to try mop

I was thinking about that, and I think I am just going to remake my hunter with a slightly different name, maybe change a vowel or remove one of the double L’s.

That way I can still play a character I am invested in without having to keep her after I finally get to play the Black Prince questline and the knock-off hunter’s experiences can become a part of my actual hunter’s story.

Given all the other mental gymnastics I have to do in order to make this game playable for me, this will be a piece of cake!

Sounds like challenge armor to me. Let an elf hope.

Why does everything have to be some dumb mini-game now where we can’t even use our main characters?!?!