Under Development: WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

This is a copy and paste:

Creating Your New Identity

Create a new modern World of Warcraft character to undertake your adventures in Pandaria, collect a variety of powerful new items and transmogs, then take your transmogs with you when you continue your adventures in World of Warcraft®:The War Within. Additional character slots will be available so that you have room for your new fully leveled and fully geared hero to join you in your continuing adventures through the Worldsoul Saga™. All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event.

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Good job missing the point. I’m perfectly fine. There’s no emotional reaction here. Maybe look to thine own self.

Creating Your New Identity

Create a new modern World of Warcraft character to undertake your adventures in Pandaria, collect a variety of powerful new items and transmogs, then take your transmogs with you when you continue your adventures in World of Warcraft®:The War Within. All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event.

From the realm Character Selection screen, players will be given the option to create a new WoW Remix character, beginning at level 10, which will only be able to play with characters taking part in the event.

Characters in the selection screen which are only available to play in the World of Warcraft Remix event will have an icon next to the character name so they can easily be identified when choosing which mode of World of Warcraft you intend to play through.

Once you’ve created your character, you’ll begin your new journey in the Timeless Isle and meet up with the infinite dragonflight and Eternus who will set you on your path.

It’s been removed, mine is also a direct copy and paste

That’s a bit shady?

Shady? Possibly, but it’s also possible that it was information they hadn’t planned to release just yet.

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Agree…They didn’t created anything for retail, Blizzard team created a new game mode that will provide rewards in retail later, like Plunderstorm.

If we could use our retail characters with some kind of timewalking scaling for this too.

Yeah, I have a large collection of characters covering most if not all of the classes/spec/profession options slowly added to over the decades ( been here since before the original Burning Crusade expansion arrived ) . This is what I was planning to do with my currently unplayed allied race characters or those level 1s I never really got out of the gate with rofl. I have a few 60+ characters and 1 level 70 which I won’t worry about. The ones at the lower end of the level spectrum - 30+ I might use this event to replace some of them with. Will have to wait and see how fun it is for me.

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Shush! You had your turn! It’s our turn now.


Possible, but let me tell you how much I thought I was losing my mind hahaha I KNEW I had read

But heck I couldn’t find it again, now I know why, it was removed!

The more I read, the more excited I am! It hits all the right points of fun for me. and to carry over into the new expansion makes it even more exciting and worth putting my time into. let the leveling begin!!!

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Hmm definitely sus.


But thank you for posting it and proving to myself I HAD read it lol, I needed to find it to show people that your character limit was being upped, but now …

I wonder if they are taking feedback into consideration? Seen a few people mentioning they would like to level down already created characters to port over.

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So pumped for this, I’m for sure going to level another monk.

Back to Pandaria! I can’t wait to see my old Pandaren buddy, Lorewalker Cho, again.


Yeah no kidding, I’ll make another rogue, that I will then have to delete once this all ends so I don’t have duplicates that would drive me nuts XD

I’m simultaneously intrigued by this event and horrified at what WoW’s turning into with the advent of these ‘extra game modes’ becoming a seemingly regular thing.


I just checked the post again and yes, I remember that about the extra character slots being available… but it’s gone … but this part is still there - so unless they plan to remove this item … or it is an item we can carry forward to The War Within …


You’ll also be able to earn an Artifact cloak that gains permanent power increases as you play. Power you earn on your strongest character is shared with alternate characters created for the event to make leveling even faster.’

I have question!

Me personally. I hope they do this with permanent wrath classic servers.

You would get to keep your old toons. And would have a bonus with creating a new toon. And as you level up, you would get loot and all this other bullcorn towards progression and mounts/pets in retail and classic variants.
With the goal of reaching level 80.

Like I would completely be on board with that. Heck we could finnaly see what that giant snake tail belongs to also with a new wrath progression raid.

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lmao, Honestly I’m probably going to roll a human monk this time around and depending on if I can get a decent name and what the ilvl of the gear is during this thing I might just take it with me directly to the next expansion.

I see sneak peak of some items “We could get” on mmo champ