Under Development: WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

I’m ready!! I wish there was a way to reserve our names.

Quite, and its fine by me.

“So is anyone going to play XXX Classic when it comes out?”

To wit I typically reply “No, I spent 2 years in that expansion, and have no desire to spend another 2 years in it, when I can do that in the current expansion”.

Being able to spend 6+ weeks in MoP with other folks, do things with other people, where I can’t just walk in and AOE one-shot the camp to do quests, where if the tank zergs and rushes to the boss they’ll just get murdered while the rest of the party laughs, yea, I’m all in.

Plus I get to being shinies with me, and if I get a new 70 toon to abuse with professions in WW or whatever, so much the better.

Beats the heck out of murdering endless undead in 10 virtual acres of old world for a month.

If it wasn’t for the “time limited event” tag, I’d be far less annoyed.


Im no lifing this for sure. BRING ON THE 24 HOUR GRIND

First impression to this is not great. This is essentially the retail version of SoD. You guys realize that, right? Rehashed old content with some gimmicks thrown in to give it a veneer of newness and freshness but it’s still going to be the same old quests some of us have done a dozen times already.

Also, this announcement is a bit light on details. Such as:

Why do we have to create a new character again?

Are we going to be using MoP era skills and abilities?

Will addons be enabled?

Will all current races and classes be available or only ones from that era?


But this isn’t evergreen content. It’s quite literally the opposite, it’s a FOMO event. Those “leaves” aren’t staying green and are in fact falling off rather quickly, lol.


Oh you’re a hero now lmao


Will we also get old Orgrimmar, where the Kor’krons are based?
Please also the wolf riders at the gates of Orgrimmar like in Stormwind.

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No I am being selfish, lol! And there is nothing wrong with that.

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Oondasta/Galleon/Sha/Nalak mounts pleeeeease. I farmed them like crazy at the very poor drop rate.

And the tree won’t grow new ones. It just dies.

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I’d be hyped to hell and back if it wasn’t time limited like that. If it was something I had a chance in heck of working on in my own time I’d be one happy clam.

But nah, screw evergreen content or respecting the time of players and their subs.

More fomo is the way to go.


Sure, and that’s absolutely fair.

But in terms of throwaway, mostly worthless gap filling content between now and the expansion, this is a fresh take, and potentially better than they done in a long time.

Not sure I really want to farm another endless Timeless Isle v12.0 right now.


This would be amazing. I’d definitely be doing this event if this was possible.

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Moslty I wonder if they get the Org gate to closed and open like game doors… it be cool work and test that out.

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So will it use modern wow races/class combos? or is it limiting to the races/class combos that were available then.

WoW has always operated with timed content on some level, though. Raids are made irrelevant every patch and dungeons are pretty much only relevant to their own expansion.

I be confuse and amuse to see Zandlari around Thunder king patch.


Opposite for me tbh it’s boring if there’s not a high concentration of interest.

Classic was only fun to me because everybody and their dad played it on launch.

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Me: Didn’t enjoy the pvp Plunderstorm event. Me PVE.
Blizzard: Have a PVE event in your favourite expansion.
Me: …Thank you.

I honestly am looking forward to this. Looks fun, loved Panadland, get op really fast? I was just saying how much I loved Siege.

With the recolour CM mount(I have the CM mounts and honestly the new one looks sick) does that mean recoloured CM sets? Please. Imagen my favourite, the pally set, in the Judgement colours. I have a great need.