Undead/Void elf paladins when

I didn’t want to offend void elf fans. If I did so, I’m really sorry. If you like void customizations, then that is totally fine.
If it makes you feel any better, I don’t like how humans, blood/void/night elves and nightborne in general look in this game. In my opinion Blizzard isn’t really good in creating humanoid models. That’s why I prefer monster and beast races more. They aren’t supposed to look appealing anyway. :sweat_smile:

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they really are weird when you take a second and think about it. I almost think the wow universe would be better without them.

In the Wc2 manual they are described with:

The Gnomes of Khaz Modan have long offset their lack of physical strength with ingenuity and daring.

Sooo they shouldn’t even be a class that holds a weapon outside a wand. Even a stave would be too much for the little guys

Hopefully never, it’s physically impossible for the light and void to inhabit a vessel in such a manner

They’d explode


Yet they inhabit Naaru in equal measure.

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No they don’t

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It wasn’t. There were a scant few of them at the gates of Suramar who got roasted by Elisande for their openness to race-mixing, and the only notable non-Silver Covenant high elf in the entire expansion was Ravandwyr, a mage follower who first appeared in TBC or so. WotLK was the only expansion with a significant high elf presence, and even then they existed only to serve as the foil to the blood elves. Meanwhile, in Legion, they no longer had a presence in Dalaran and the high elves on the Alliance side of the city were all replaced with worgen.

That’s Vereesa. Valeera [Sanguinar] is a different character entirely. Honestly, it says a lot about the former when she’s the only major unaltered high elf left (now that one of her sisters is undead and the other is void-powered) and she’s easily forgotten, has her name misspelled, or conflated with another character.

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Lothraxion is a Nathrezim dread lord infused with light
Leonid Barthalomew, Sir Zeliek are 2 examples of undead paladins.

Stop saying such nonsense when there are clear examples in blockchain-certified blizzard lore

It’s not the fault of the character, it was just me having a senior moment.

Valeera does show up a bit. She just doesn’t really ever do anything important and is more or less a hearthstone rogue mascot at this point.

Vareesa at least got a good story in the folklore compendium but it would be good if she did stuff in the story that wasn’t just alliance cheerleading.

Of course, if players can play how they want it will be a good thing for the game.

There are at least 30+ named npcs high evles that are members of the silver covenant. Can the same be said about the contrived void elves

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Leonid isn’t a paladin. Sir Zeliek was in great pain, hated his existence, and he wasn’t in control of anything. Kelthuzad and the Lich king are the only reasons he was alive.

What does being Nathrezim have to do with anything? They aren’t creatures of the void or undead.


So. Use the void instead.

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Paladins are champions of the light, not the void.

Remove the light and they stop being paladins.

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They’re the same thing using the void.

I feel like ya’ll try so hard to say no you just lock yourselves up.

Priests wearing plate using martial skills and applying their power to it.

No reason a shadow priest can’t do the same.


Did I say anything about which race has more unique named characters? Those high elves you mentioned having names means nothing if none of them play a significant role in an expansion’s story, or have any characterization whatsoever. Ravandwyr, who I mentioned earlier, is allied with the Tirisgarde and not the Silver Covenant, and he’s more notable than almost every high elf from the latter because the mage campaign presented him as an actual character with a voice that’s not a stripped-down night elf VO.

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That’s not how paladins work. It’d be nice if you’d come up with something a bit more original instead of constantly trolling with the same ‘arguments’.

Using shadow or void magic while where plate doesn’t make paladins. Paladins use the light, not shadow or void magic.

There’s literally an NPC that uses Fel instead of the Light as a Paladin. They are still referred to as a Paladin (albeit the Draenei term).

All a Paladin is is a Warrior that uses a magic force. Nothing stops a Light based Paladin from repurposing their abilities to use Void instead in all the same techniques.


Being a Nathrezim means being a demon which puts it adjacent to undead/void (i’m sure youll disagree)

additional undead paladins in EPL Tyrs Hand:
Scarlet Commander Marjhan
Scarlet Praetorian
Scarlet Warder

The precedent has been set for a while now.

The Kirin Tor were an original Eastern Kingdoms power allied against the Horde and are a proud and active faction.

They represented the Alliance from the Silver Covenant Pavilion, their base of operations staffed by representatives of each race of the faction, in the Argent Tournament. Later the champions of the Silver Covenant helped fight the forces of the scourge in the Frozen Halls and its Sunreaver counterpart in Dalaran, to restore the magical blade Quel’Delar from its defiled state by the Blood-Queen Lana’thel.

In the wake of the Cataclysm, the Silver Covenant is invited by the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Halduron Brightwing, to join forces with Vol’jin of the Darkspear tribe against the budding Amani Empire within the city of Zul’Aman.

During the attack on Theramore Isle, a number of high elves of the Silver Covenant were present to protect the city. After Thalen Songweaver escaped from Theramore, Vereesa led her soldiers to the western part of Dustwallow Marsh.After Jaina Proudmoore thought that the Sunreavers were the ones who helped Garrosh Hellscream steal the [Divine Bell] by using Dalaran portals to infiltrate Darnassus, Jaina mobilized the Alliance forces and the Silver Covenant to purge the Horde from Dalaran.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Vereesa led the Silver Covenant to Trueshot Lodge, pledging their aid to the new leader of the Unseen Path following their inauguration. Later, the Silver Covenant, together with the Sentinels and the Quel’Thalassian force, participated in the Nightfallen rebellion.

Shortly before the end of the Fourth War, the Silver Covenant participated in the events of the battle at the Gates of Orgrimmar, as high elven ballistae were present during the conflict to support the Alliance in front of the Horde’s capital.

During the Scourge resurgence, the Silver Covenant was seen defending their pavilion at the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Following the death of Herald Dalora, a Silver Covenant Arcanist opened a direct portal to Stormwind City, connecting the pavilion with the Alliance capital

They have to make the mounts and stuff first, but it’s coming apparently.

No it doesn’t, and yes I’ll disagree with you, because you’re information is inaccurate.

Those that served the Legion were turned into demons, but not all dreadlords are demons. We just had an expansion that gave us a lot of Nathrezim lore.

The Fel is a different sphere, associated with disorder. Shadow is a part of the Death sphere, and void is a part of the void sphere.
