Shadow and void are part of the same sphere. Neither are related to Death.
I’m not sassing, they DID backtrack . . . ok I’m sassing a little considering how tone-deaf it was.
Fel barring the great “High Elf vs Blood Elf vs Void Elf” debate they essentially told a not small chunk of the player base to go play the opposite faction going into the faction war expansion . . . like seriously who does that while trying to convince folk there’s no faction imbalance?
No, it would be bad. If we could all do whatever we want, the game would be an incoherent mess of ideas. There has to be some structure to the aesthetic. We can’t all be on the writer’s team
Or fel or twilight.
We’ve actually seen more than one type of paladin.
Paladin are just knights that weild a power, one that is light based so far for players but not always for enemies.
It already is.
All classes for all races won’t mess with that.
Some just don’t fit imho, which is why Bliz made classes race-specific in the first place.
It’s kind of like that kid on the playground, when everyone is playing Cowboys and Indians, that just insists he is going to be Spiderman. Totally just ruins tha game
Yeah, it is definitely not like this. It is like hey everyone in my culture does this but guess what I don’t want to so I do something different.
We could call them Void Knights or something.
Paladins but uses the Void and just as fanatically religious as those who follow the light.
Ya know, we’re at the point that NOT having multiple orders/faiths of paladins and priests is real odd.
We’ve seen an expanding “pantheon” of cosmic powers.
We’ve learned the source of all creation.
We’ve been to the realms of death. Fought the void. Fought the light.
New groups would form from these various revelations.
For example, with the way we’ve been seeing representatives of the Light behave, it’d be extremely short sighted, to not form a sect of void wielding paladins to combat the light, should the need arise…same goes for any cosmic power.
The order of the Silver Hand should expand to be a coalition of various paladin orders all dedicated to protecting Azeroth.
A variety of orders representing a wide array of cosmic powers would make for a fantastic customization option and something that should not be restricted to specific races and such either. Let people play their characters how they want.
Either make it a customization option you pick as you make your character or have there be a default with a small quest to pledge tot he order of your choosing or something to that effect.
There’s a number of paladin types I’d love to see added, and having that also expanded to other classes would be great as well.
r u sayin race mixing is bad?
u should becarful, it looks like ur agreeinf with a racist statement
I mean we’ve learned that all of creation was brought about by 6 beings.
You’re telling me some sort of religion wouldn’t spring up around that?
Priests and paladins researching and following the First Ones would be pretty cool. Spell effects using the geometric visual effects added for Zereth Mortis? That’d be pretty cool.
Paladins of the pantheon of death, spell effects from the various covenants?
Paladins of Elune and the rest of the pantheon of Life.
Tons of cool options.
Do you have the reading comprehension skills of a juice-addled kindergartener? I said that the Silver Covenant’s most notable presence was in WotLK and the ones who are presented as actual characters instead of props can be counted on one hand, yet you insist on bringing up irrelevant comparisons to the void elves and mentions of the Kirin Tor.
Pretty much their only real big roles. Even then, you could remove the entire Argent Tournament storyline from existence and not much would’ve changed. And admittedly, I don’t remember much about MoP’s story since I only played during 5.4.
A minor role in a minor storyline that served to bring back an old instance. Irrelevant to the rest of Cata’s story and only happened because Blizzard was still bent on giving every expansion troll content.
Still not a significant role. When you started the WQs that involve helping the people of Suramar rebel against the Duskwatch, you got messages from Tyrande, Liadrin, and members of the nightborne rebellion, not Vereesa or Halduron. What would have really changed if the Silver Covenant wasn’t there for Elisande to call them out?
This is a desperate reach. A few ballistae and no other supplies or armed forces means next to nothing.
An even bigger reach. They had an insignificant, easily glossed-over role in a pre-launch event, not a major role in the expansion itself.
Honestly… all of this.
Also I maintain that we already have groups like this… The Dark Irons could easily have fire based pallies, Kul’tirans could have Tidesage paladins for two quick easy ones.
Void Elves using the void with martial skills and heavy armor makes sense.
I also think the Forsaken should start with this option too since they have the Forgotten Shadow.
And that sounds wonderful.
Class skins could be an amazing concept if applied to give both racial identity options and to generally expand the powers that our characters can work with.
Classes fundamentally are just toolsets game play wise so its also not a bad idea to expand some class ideas and concepts through skins so they don’t always need to make a new class to fullfill a fantasy.
I’d quite like fiery visuals for my dark iron paladin.
A kultiran storm paladin or better yet, vrykul, would be pretty sweet.
Arcane nightborne.
Elune/moon night elves and worgen.
Zandalari prelate of Bwonsamdi
I keep thinking when they add druids for Forsaken, they should go with a decay vibe. It’s a very important aspect of nature and would be fitting for forsaken.
Imagine posting nuclear cringe from behind the face of a knockoff Tiefling.
Anyway, sure why not. But Paladins aside, do you know what Undead really need?
It’s time, Blizz. With China gone, there’s nothing stopping you. Do it. DO IT.
Forsaken paladins were added in Cataclysm, found through the zombified scarlet crusade.
Night Elf paladin was added in legion, the same expansion as Gnome hunter, but for some reason only gnome hunters became playable…
Being a Paladin is the symbol of a things that to my actual thinking, should not have been extended to the Horde either. It could have been “an Elf thing” in the Horde, that is ok. But initially there was a thought about Paladins being Alliance thing.
I am old, and I am old school RPG, I know. I loved when deciding class, race and faction had a degree of decision making, and it wasnt “any class, any race, any faction” Xanado. People complain about community, that is a problem, but I dont want to discuss as to why, but …
Paladins are an order, it comes from long time, it is about stability, discipline, the respect, the love, and the service for the core principles of the Light. Once you start “expanding”, “changing”, “flowing” what it means to be a paladin, the main thing that it means to be Paladin is lost: The stability, the discipline, and the longevity.
There are many classes for the “class fuild” people, Paladins should be the ones old school. Paladins, Priests, Shamans and Druids should be the bastions of culture and stability in World of Warcraft. But not. These days “Everyone is a musician, everyone is an athlete, everyone is everything”.
But that is like the song goes:
“I had a nightmare, I feared not waking up
From the high of a tower I saw Earth in a trance
Everyone was a poet, everyone was athlete, everyone was everything
Do it yourself, they said, sky is the limit, believe it
It is a nightmare, I cant wake up
One too many variables, varying
Unknown cliches, Dejavu never seen
Heavens were hell, long before angels fell
I had that nightmare, but I feared when I woke up
Heaven IS now below sea level”
It is a song about the idea that “when something can be anything, it is nothing, and means nothing”.
That is one thing most people dont see as the value of things. And that which makes modern “thought” garbage. Things have value for what they are, inserted in the context they are.
I am on the exit door, but most of what is wrong when anyone talks about what is wrong, it is the fact that the game has changed to make “everything good”, “everything acceptable”, “everything possible”, and that just erodes the value of everything.
Problem is people dont want this:
Nitpicking here. Paladins are not “infused” they are blessed by the Light. Lightforged Draenei and Turalyon are infused with it.
YES! Let me play as Ainz Ooal Gown damnit.
EDIT: Felt like I should put this here.
Earnable Class skins allow players to customize their experience even further. Void elves can have a Void Knight Paladin, “High Elves” can have their regular Light benders. Never made the sexy Arcane Archer or Dark Ranger.
I need that skeleton customization O.O