Undead/Void elf paladins when

No, not like this…

The very same thing that you refuse to accept.
Your void will never be a paladin.

Just re-roll Blood Elf.

lol, I have a blood elf. Doesn’t mean I can’t support an expansion of paladin types for better customization for all.

I thought maybe you were going to actually give me credible evidence for what you’re saying. I’ve yet to see anyone do so. It’s just a misinterpretation of something they saw in a novel.


An interesting note…recent book additions and upcoming additions to the game are making it sound like the Black Empire wasn’t necessarily anything that was evil, it was only painted that way by the Keepers/Odyn.


yet we got light forged death knights

You realize Death magic is completely separate from Void magic right? They’re two completely different sources of power. One is the polar opposite to Light. The other is not.

you do realize they are still polar opposites.

Why is it undead take higher crit from light damage? Why is it that paladins and death knights were foils to each other in both lich king and shadowlands.

Can’t explain that!

I am quite curious to see where they go with that.

I do hope they keep with it being at least not great for our current existence, but we find out there were some aspects of the Black Empire that could have been of great use for us.

Or at least that the Void is useful for far more than we once thought.

Well you see. At one time they were opposites. They changed and retconned it later and continue to have the Light do extra damage to BOTH Undead and Demons.

Light just works better against the more corruptive forces that the Light dislikes.

Technically it combines perfectly fine. >.>

You just don’t like the result.

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Please understand what a polar opposite is.

A polar opposite is a direct opposite. Like the north and south pole (which is where the term comes from). We know what the polar opposites of each of the cosmic forces are, they are as follows:

Light and Void
Death and Life
Order and Disorder

While Death and Light do not get along, they are not polar opposites, they do not create explosive reactions when those forces combine, they don’t cancel each other out. Lightforged Death Knights do not break canon lore, when a Lightforged is raised as a Death Knight they lose their connection to the Light, their eyes no longer glow with the power of the light, although they do keep their adornments and tattoos.

When void and light combine it creates an explosive reaction, like mixing sodium with water. That’s actually how the Titans describe the forming of the cosmos in canon lore. That the Light and the Void combined and the resulting explosion created the cosmos (in reality it was First Ones, but we don’t know how they created it)

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Are people arguing whether if Undead can become Paladins still?

I’d say it depends wholly (no pun intended) on the person itself and I feel many people are focusing too much on the affinity of one force versus another and what allows one to use The Light and the Shadow respectively.

Sir Zeliek is the only known Undead Paladin in the entirety of WoW lore and that was his complete devotion to the Light.

You have Undead Holy Priests, sure, but they even cite that it is the most painful experience they endure. Sometimes it has a side effect of rekindling their senses such as being able to smell their own rot or taste the decay in their mouth.

I akin the Undeads use of the Light similar to that of the Scarlet Crusade. So long as one earnestly believes that what they are doing is Righteous will allow them to utilize it. But Using the Light and being compatible with it are two totally different things.

I will say, the Lightforged Draenei is an interesting combination, but it might be similar to Calia Menethils undeath from the Light, rather than from Death. I suppose that would be the Forsakens outlet to allow Undead Paladins if more is discovered in that regard and would provide a logical reason to have Undead Paladins.

But for the moment, current Forsaken Paladins would be unlikely as it would require an absurd amount of Will to sustain through the pain of utilizing the Light in the same others do.

Ultimately Righteousness isn’t the same as the tenants Paladins follow to utilize the light. Not sure how the current Undead would view as being heralds of improving the world around them in the name of the Light when it does unceasingly horrible pain to them.

Panda druids and paladins first.


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Not entirely true. When Balnazzar forcefully turned the Scarlet Crusade of Tyr’s Hand and Stratholme into the Risen, many of them were paladins including Scarlet Commander Marjhan. However it’s worth noting that none of them chose to become Undead Paladins, and they could not grapple with the formerly holy artifacts that they once wielded now burning their hands, which drove many of them mad.

Prior to that though, Sir Zeliek was the only known undead paladin, while Leonid Barthalomew the Revered was a paladin prior to his death and reanimation (he did not retain his paladin abilities after he was reanimated).


+1 for Gnome Paladins.
That’s what this thread is about right? Gnomes?
Just checking.<3


Someday little gnome, someday you will Crusade alongside us.


It will be glorious !
Tears of joy + my blade of retribution = fun times for all!
(except the elves…)

Only in abundance.

Like with any of the powers opposites they do repel each other normally with pain.

Light and Void only exploded at the start cause they were both all there was and pulling at each other across existence…

Ah yes the Titans.

Who never lie.

There’s a whole host of Risen Scarlet Paladins.

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Go to the scarlet enclave in the eastern plague lands, undead paladins be everywhere yo

Exactly. Pretty much the focus of why Undead (as they are now) Paladins is farfetched and unlikely. Death Knights and Demon Hunters, both hero classes, were at least able to be passed on in some way be it through Undeath by the Lich King(s) or by Illidan training the Illidari.

It’s just not the same to teach someone who has died to have unwavering devotion to the light as an undead being who the light scorches and brutally hurts every single time they try to use it.

You ever watch Castlevania when the forgemaster has the priest bless the river while they were standing in it only to be consumed by holy flame while doing so?

That is that. Sir Zeliek was the only one who retained his consciousness and could wield the light without, as far as we know, any detriment.

Oh Sir Zeliek felt agony by using the light. This has been confirmed by Blizzard. The thing about Sir Zeliek though is that his faith was strong enough to allow him to continue using the light, but he was not in control of his actions. He was entirely under the control of Kel’thuzad.

This is why in one of the Ashbringer comics, when Sir Zeliek stabs one of the adventurers entering Naxxramas with Darion Mograine in the back, he apologizes for what he did, and why during the Naxxramas encounter (or rather the dialogue before it) he tries to convince the raid to run away and leave. He doesn’t want to kill the party that invades Naxxramas, but he has no choice but to do what Kel’thuzad demands.

His use of the light hurts him significantly, he hates himself, but he can’t stop himself either.

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Sir Zeliek is a special case. He’s neither willingly using the Light as an undead and not able to choose what he does.

It’s no wonder to me why he’s like he is.

Meanwhile the Risen Scarlet paladins are in abundance, still didn’t get a choice in the matter, have trouble using their holy objects but don’t really seem particularly unhinged… Even for Scarlets.

The entire concept that Forsaken paladins don’t work out wouldn’t be able to take it without going mad is based on special and specific situations… Both of which removed choice.

Will it hurt? Yes. Just like holy priests.

There isn’t anything else in the way.