If memory serves he was in constant pain and the only reason he could maintain his existence was through the Lich King’s power.
I suppose the problem is what is the difference between an Undead Holy Priest and Sir Zeliek.
Maybe as you said that he could only sustain his Paladin skills through undeath due to the Lich King or it was his own sheer will.
Either way, not easily replicated or maintained.
Well based on a short dialogue, Trevor an Undead Priest who refuses to use the Shadow could only use “Spears of Light similar to Uther’s Knights” Even then the Light usually refused Trevor’s call.
Likely has to do with the requirements for one to utilize the light. Devotion to the Light is one tenant needed for the Light to grant its blessing. I still feel that makes some elements of Holy power used by the Undead even more difficult, though incredible that some are able to, why it being used consistently as the idea of devoting oneself to something that does nothing but hurt you would be difficult.
Couldn’t find it but I found this.
When undead channel the Light, they do not disintegrate or explode from channeling the Light, though they may wish they would. Instead, it feels to them as if their entire bodies are being consumed in righteous fire. Forsaken healed by the Light (whether the healer is Forsaken or not) are effectively cauterized by the effect: the wound is healed, but the healing effect is cripplingly painful. Thus, Forsaken priests are beings of unwavering willpower. Forsaken and death knight tanks suffer nobly when they have priest or paladin healers in the group, and Sir Zeliek really hates himself.
By Blizzards own setup Forsaken paladins are easily possible. Nothing is stopping them but the will to do it.
And beyond that just like the Void Elves the other option is that just like them they just void powers to do paladin things.
They have the Church of Forgotten Shadow.
Void elves and Forsaken make the most sense for that sort of setup. Class skins should be a thing.
Hopefully they make a more definite reason why they haven’t. I still think Calia is the route for Undead getting Undead Paladins. Lightforged Undead to be precise.
More race/class combos is always good in an MMORPG.
Void elves can be holy priests, no reason why they couldn’t do paladin stuff.
There are undead paladins in the lore since vanilla.
I miss the classic shadow school of magic. This whole void tentacle non-sense needs to be retconned and never spoken of again.
Both shadow and void are the dark schools of magic but one is undead and the other is Lovecraftian tentacles, but they are completely different things and somehow next to one another
They really should have been two different things.
Light/Shadow vs Void/Darkness
Can’t have a shadow without light. Darkness is he absence of light and the void is the absence of all.
yeah, on that canon image(i cant link it unfortunately) of all the schools of magic they should make it 3 dimensional with the void being underneath it all
have resto be opposite of undeath
have light be opposite of fel/demons
arcane is kind of out of place their imo because they have it across “disorder and chaos”
Ahh, I’ve been saying this for years. Well, I didn’t have the proof, but you showed it to us, thanks. It seems the only thing preventing blizzard from introducing more race/class combinations ultimately comes down to their ego. At least for paladins. Night elf paladins etc etc should have been in the game since day ONE.
Absolutely. A race of martial priests being paladins makes a ton of sense.
They would need to spin up a bunch of new servers if they made BELF druids or Draenei warlocks.
God those Class skins are just great
I mean I’d roll a Draenei warlock for Alliance. Former Sargerei using his foul powers for the benefit of Azeroth.
My dreanei warlock will be trying to restart the Wakeners. Can’t wait for it.
Man’ari should have a paladin option to using fel as a corrupted one to the same benefit of Azeroth
And demon hunters…
We still need Broken made playable as well. They’d be a great addition.