Void paladin is an oxymoron. You wamt another class. Not a paladin.
No I don’t.
Since blizzard has indicated they intend to add every class to every race, I want paladin to fit the lore of void elves.
So I want them to have their shadow priests follow the example of previous organizations, learn martial abilities pull on some plate armor and apply their powers to fight.
Apparently that’s hard for a lot of people to understand. So many just keep assuming it’s the Light they’d be using.
You’re misinterpreting what Blizzard said.
What they said is that they’d like to move towards a place where race isn’t a limiting factor on class (no promises though), but they conceded that some classes (notably the Paladin and the Warlock) have lore that needs to be taken into account.
So what you’ll likely see is a lot of class/race expansion (we’ve already seen priests, mages and rogues opened up to all races, and worgen, goblin and lightforged draenei will get access to the monk in the next patch) but classes like the Paladin, Warlock and Druid will remain restricted due to how several races have lore that makes those classes an impossibility.
I’m not really no.
I didn’t go into detail but I’m not wrong either.
Regardless if/when paladin is added to Void elves I want it to be lore appropriate. Thus I push for it to be void based.
You actually are.
You’re claiming that Blizzard said they will be making all races available to all classes. They didn’t say that. They said they would like to move to a place where race wasn’t a limiting factor, importantly not actually promising that they’d ever get to that place, and that several classes had lore that needed to be taken into account.
It’s highly unlikely that Void Elves will ever get the Paladin class, because frankly, Blizzard isn’t going to create an entirely new set of abilities, or spend a ton of time making new visuals just so one race/class combo can exist. It would be far more likely that they create a new hero class, for example a ‘Void Knight’ and open that up to races that primarily use the void instead of the light, meaning Void Elves, Forsaken, Mag’har Orcs and Humans (saying humans just because I can’t think of another Alliance race that uses a lot of void magic).
When they have enough time to design chargers for all races. Simple as that.
I didn’t add nuance is all. There’s no difference between those things.
Blizzard wants to remove race as a limiting factor and if they do this for paladin there really isn’t any reason they’d neglect any of the races in that. If they do it for one they’ll do it for all of them.
If you think they won’t I feel like you’re not paying attention.
You’re right it’s very unlikely. Thus I push for a void paladin concept.
I don’t want them to do the lazy thing when they add paladin to Void elves.
I think assuming that’s the more likely option is foolish. At this point I personally don’t see them doing that ever.
i kinda hate the idea of “void” magic, shadow magic damage sounds better and true to warcraft roots
Theming them around decay would be awesome and make a lot of sense. Very important part of nature.
Yeah, I’d say every race should just be added as visage options like dragons
Narrow view, nothing says all paladins have to use the light.
Exactly. Slapping armor on a shadow priest = shadow paladin.
Both. I’d like to see a large number of paladin orders formed around pretty much every cosmic power/cool visual option. Then let players choose which they want to devote themselves to to further customization their character as they wish.
Yep, but I like it being open for players to choose. A race can have a default option, but players should be able to pick what they want their characters to be.
Doesn’t have to be strictly light. It just needs to be dedication to their chosen cosmic power.
If you hold a reverence to the void, that then is holy to you.
Have an option to be a paladin similar to Calia, problem solved, or they wield a different cosmic power. Better yet both and let the player choose.
They don’t though. Paladins are priests in armor.
Which is why we need void themed spells over all. Their holy spec can be the holy shadow.
Both, I want a void wielding knight class with an aberration form they fight in, but a void wielding paladin should totally be an option as well.
I quite like it, what I wish was different was shadow being an aspect of the Light.
Then having void and darkness being a pair in opposition.
You literally can’t have shadow without the light.
That’s what I’m saying, you gotta bend the lore of paladin just to fit this obsession. Why not ANY other combo.
That’s literally how Blizzard has defined the Paladin class since its inception. Even when they added other races that could be Paladins they ensured that even if they didn’t revere the Light like Humans and Dwarves, they still used the Light as their primary source of power.
Tauren are a great example of this, because they revere the Sun, call themselves Sunwalkers, but even though they revere An’she, the power they use is still the same light that the Humans, Dwarves, Draenei and Blood Elves use.
Now I’m all for Blizzard adding a new hero class that is only available to Void Elves, Forsaken, Mag’har Orcs and I don’t know, let’s say Humans that is like the Paladin, but uses Void Magic (could call them an Eldritch Knight or something) but the Paladin class is not suitable for the Void Elves, Forsaken or Mag’har Orcs.
Want class skin for all combos.
Tell me you don’t know anything about wow without telling me you don’t know anything about wow.
Oh, I’m saying so the same with all classes where cool new customization and stuff would fit. Definitely the same thing for all priests.
Blood mages, chrono effects etc.
Keyboardturner and Lost Codex had a bunch of neat suggestions. Death Knights that used Drust minions. Think ever some fire based effects like Bolvar.
I’ve seen people suggest pandaren druids themed around the August Celestials.
Lots of cool class skin stuff.
Priest and paladin themes built around newfound worship of the First Ones and spell effects to match.
Things change. The tauren could use a cooler theming as well. Is An’she of the Pantheon of Light, or is he of the Pantheon of Life like Elune going with the suggestion they’re siblings?
Yeah, this is something I’m always suggesting. When the dracthyr came out I was even saying their framework is basically what I had in mind. My suggestion basically being a medieval fantasy void spellcaster version of venom as a knight. Open to all races (maybe not lightforged [although I’m all for lightforged becoming an option for all races, maybe even void too]), you have your base race customizations, maybe with some additional void themed stuff, then you have your aberration combat form you shift into, maybe a few different body types to choose from. Various horns, eyes, jaw, tentacle options. Different skin colors and textures, all options drawing from various void and old god themed stuff.
I still don’t see this as being something that’d restrict void paladins.
No reason a priest who worships the void can’t put on armor and be a paladin.
Same for mages, a void caster would be great.
Warlocks having a class skin based around void casting and all void based minions. Sure.
Light and void based death knights? Sure. The more options to customize our characters, the better.
Seems like something right up the alley of the shadowmoon.
I’ve said it a few times…with the way we’ve seen the light behaving, to not preemptively form an order of void/shadow wielding knights to combat it, is a really poor strategic move. Alonsus and Seline should be training shadowpriests to be paladins.
I’ll link this again too cause it had some excellent suggestions…
At the bottom of some images are the class icons showing what classes they were suggesting the visual themes be applied to.
It also has a link to all the paladin options, which covered pretty much all the ones I’ve suggested except an Arcane wielding one and I’m thinking the Progenitor/first One spell effects developed for the Zereth area would be a really cool option and also make a lot of sense lorewise. The discovery of a higher tier of beings could easily lead to their worship.
Are you going to repeat the infused head canon stuff people are constantly suggesting?
Paladins were literally priests trained in martial abilities or warriors taught to wield the light. That’s it.
The only light infused paladins we have are lightforged paladins.
All others channel the light whether they are priest or paladin. I’m all for expanding it to other cosmic powers as well.
Paladins, as they’re known in Warcraft lore, all use the Light. This means that Void Elves cannot be Paladins because their race and the Light do not mix. It’s the polar opposite for Lightforged, who cannot use void magic at all. Void and Light are opposing forces and combine as well as Sodium and Water
Now I’m all for Void Elves getting a class similar to the Paladin, which was my earlier point, a plate wearing class that utilizes void magic in a way that is similar to how Paladins wield their power. But that class, whatever it’s name is, is not a Paladin.
The problem is that the people who continually request forsaken paladins want specifically existing Lordaeron Forsaken, which are animated with death magic, to wield the light as paladins. That doesn’t work outside of the previously mentioned examples which outright ignore lore to exist at all.
Either new light-based undead or a “paladin” wielding a different cosmic force would sidestep the issue for sure. I heavily lean towards the “alternate cosmic force” idea because the “necromancy is necromancy” thing is silly nonsense. Calia was a very special case and allowing any cosmic force to practice necromancy weakens the overall identity of “death” as a force, to the point where it almost doesn’t make sense for it to be one. Forsaken/void elf “antipaladins” that use shadow magic would be cool.
Light of the Void?
Already explained.
It is in the lore.
If you can’t live with that, continue living your delusional parallel world in your head canon.
Never. Never. Never. Please Elune, never.
Fine by me, as I’ve said, players should have all the options available. If they wanna wield the light, cool.
What’s already explained? The infused headcanon part?
Where’s it at in the lore? I’ve yet to see anyone quote something definitive. Only the Arthas book and that doesn’t support it. He gets a warmy fuzzy feeling during his initiation and then shortly after specially states he needs to learn how to use, direct, and channel the light. Were he infused, that wouldn’t be the case.
All paladins are not lightforged, which are specifically light infused.