Undead/Void elf paladins when

I would play one. Especially because I’d be openly able to tell Light followers and Lightforged they are fascists.

well, Demons with fel have to be somehow adjacent to undead and the void because Exorcism had a 100% chance to be a critical strike when used on Undead and Demons back in wrath.

Lore mattered then

I mean, Undead were originally spawned by the Burning Legion so it tracks.

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I disagree. Nothing there is solely reliant on the light. It can easily be expanded to wielders of any cosmic power working to protect their world and makes a lot of sense for that to be the case.

Really don’t understand why they keep making that statement. Only source I’ve gotten for it is the Arthas novel which contradicts it numerous times.

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That is actually literally stated by Paladins throughout the Lore. Not only in World of Wacraft. They rely solely on the power of light for everything, from the strength to use a weapon their “body” strenght couldnt lift, to the power to heal themselves and allies.
It is said that if the light abandons a Paladin, their weapons lose their power and they are increasingly less effective in using it to the point they cant.
That is exactly what happens to Arthas in both old and new books.
And that is why no one else can use weapons from Paladins without being one, unless they are corrupted or reforged, or runeforged.

No reason it has to be that way, and remaining that way is very closed minded especially when we’ve seen the harm the light can cause. To not prepare to battle them by arming our shadowpriests with armor and weapons is just extremely poor planning.

Yet we’ve got paladins/warriors/death knights all using that same gear.

Customization options for paladins including all and newly added cosmic powers etc would be great.

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*points at Sir Zeliek in Naxx…literally a ‘traditional’ (as in raised into undeath via Scourge necromancy) undead who can still wield the light just as he did as a living paladin.


It’s always funny seeing the “They can’t do it because light!” well I think a lot of us are wanting options not of the light, so then it’s 100% feasible plus adds additional customization to the game.

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This! So often its this idea that everyone is specifically trying to use the Light here when its normally the Void and sometimes attached to other types of power.

Like Dark Irons using Fire from Ragnaros. Or Tidesage paladins using the water.

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I’m going to assume you’re joking.

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coming form a thing that uses hoofs.

I don’t know whether to Moo at you or put you on Santa’s Christmas sleigh.

Maybe learn to dodge horseshoes.
Because you’re in range of one.


Frankly (as much as some people grumble about her) Calia’s origin as a light-based undead, as well as examples of other undead created via cosmic forces not the standard necromancy (Meryl Felstorm, undead via arcane, Madrigosa in Sunwell raid becoming undead via fel, and then Calia via light), there’s really not much difference in having paladins using a different cosmic ‘battery’ powering their abilities.

Traditional paladins use the Light by being granted its abilities…the original blood elf blood knights forced the Light to serve them. Undead and void elves could use shadow/void to power their abilities. Night elf paladins could use Elune/arcane for the same. Gameplay wise they’d have the same abilities as any other paladin, but with different spell effects (someone really wanting to have normal holy-looking effects could maybe get the look with spell gylphs).


it’s settled then, anyone can Identify as a Paladin

Still simple as that.

Eh, I feel like if they build lore with the classes and don’t remain so stuck in the mud about it they can leave the lore varied while applying classes as toolsets.

God there’s too many elves. It’s elves of Warcraft these days .

eventually all races will be able to be all classes barring DKs and DHs

Undead druids first!

Death Knights can already be almost every race and I suspect this will continue in the future.

DH needs little more than the same treatment the DKs got so I see that happening relatively easily all things told.

I’d say Evoker is the least likely Class to be propagated to every race.