If they didn’t regret what they did in life why would they do it in the afterlife? Regretting what you did because you wound up being held to account isn’t the same thing as actually regretting it. If they did regret it they never would have done it in the first place.
The concept of being tortured forever aside. Shadowlands is broken, people are being funneled into the wrong places. Sylvanas and the rest of the undead that have had their souls mangled and twisted by dark magic should not be in the Maw.
I mean all undead who have had their souls mangled and twisted, being sent to the maw because they were “bad” due to their mangled and twisted soul.
No matter what infinate punishment for finate crimes is wrong.
And i am sure you can get very creative example gaving to literally be eryone you ever hurt coukd teach people some empathy and make more than i teget it because i ended up here and more actully regetting that you did that because it was wrong. Supernatural beings could with thousands of years to think could no doubt come up with some system to redeem a soul while punishing them in proportion to their crimes
This is a line of questioning theologiens and great minds have been debating for a long tine so i dont have the answers
My opinion, if we were not having this whole Maw problem I expect Sylvanas after being turned undead would have been sent to Revendreth at the very least.
If she could have been a good person likely but after undeath she wasnt.
the souls sent to Revendreth are hardly “good”. They are prideful arrogant creatures and Sylvanas certain fits the bill on that one. Mind you, I am talking about the Sylvanas from Cata here.
I think we have two diffrent defintions of good here i am not saying she has to be a paragon of virture just not the ruthless monster that she kind of became
Hence why I said she wouldn’t have gone to the Maw and instead Revendreth.
Yeah if she could have been a better person she likely would have
I always saw that she did give the order to use the blight / plague or whatever name blizzard calls it now on the scourge at the wrathgate and thats it. However Putress used it on the alliance & horde because he defected to the Legion.
Same here she planned to use it he just used it early.
Are you talking about when she was Ranger General of Silvermoon, because that’s what I’m talking about. Having your soul twisted by dark magic should be considered when the WoW judges are sentencing.
Maybe the judges(arbiter) are taking into consideration the Curse of Undeath. Have the Shadowlands been broken since WotLK that would explain a lot.
We can’t make any judgments until we know exactly when the machine of death was broken. All we have right now is ‘a few years ago’ which, given Blizzard butterfingers in regards to the timeline, tells us nothing.
she developed a plague tested it on civilians and such. Kael was a bad person, but sylvanas is a monster.
Kael tortured a Naaru, killed innocents, betrayed all his allies, and turned his own people into Fel-corrupted monsters in an attempt to summon the Burning Legion to destroy the entire world.
The master will have you! You will drown in your own blood! The world shall burn! Aaaghh!
Come on now.
Personally expecting we end up killing the Jailer and trapping Sylvanas in its place as a ‘hoisted by her own petard’ plot since her entire focus is on ‘mastering death’
Kael wanted to destroy everything his actions resulted in countless death and corruption.
Hes not better or worse than Sylvanas if he only got Revendreth then Id expect thats where Sylvanas should go.
This is an interesting point. Is she culpable for her actions after death? She seemed to be in control of herself, she seemed to be aware of what she was doing and what it meant. So why should she escape punishment for the actions she took of her own free will?
although as a ‘devil’s advocate’ point, undeath does reduce positive emotions and possibly induce sociopathy; so is it right to inflict torment for what is essentially a mental illness?
I’ve long held that undead are brain damaged by death, and used the undead Night Elves as evidence. That also accounts for the “imperfect connection” of soul to the body - it’s just traumatic brain damage, and the state of undeath is the only thing that allows such a fatally compromised brain to keep thinking.
The evidence against my argument is that they seem to be acting in full control of their body and so bear full responsibility for their decisions.