I’ve been saying that we should raid WoW Hell for years and free those that are being unjustly tortured because WoW Judge can’t get their crap together.
Shadowland is broken, Sylvanas, the Forsaken and all other undead who has had their souls mangled don’t deserve to be there. I’ve been saying this for over a decade now. As corny as it sounds I hope that we can save them all it would make an awesome story.
I’m happy as heck that we finally raid Shadowlands, but what I really want to do is speculate and hear your opinons on how this is, will, or should pan out for the Undead.
Edit: “Undead” Souls in the Maw = a whole untainted/untwisted soul
They wouldn’t be Undead any more in the Maw, as we saw with Sylvanas in Edge of Night:
Sylvanas could no longer feel her body. She was floating in some kind of limbo. She realized she could see herself, and held up her hands in silent awe. Her flesh was a golden pink again, firm and luminous as it had been in life.
I don’t like WoW Hell one bit but at the very least every undead that was destined to WoW Heaven before they died should return to WoW Heaven by default. They didn’t choose to have a mangled soul and become a cursed darker version of themselves, that my friends, was forced on them.
Especially those that have had their souls forcibly mangled, where are these Shadowland judges and juries they need to be fired and forced out of their positions.
That is not my argument, I’m arguing on the behalf of the untainted, untwisted, unmangled soul; the one that existed before their souls were cursed.
Well, I will say we might finally have an avenue for continued reproduction for the Forsaken going forward. I would be very happy if the Horde side of this expansion was more focused on the Undead and Troll races than other expansions. At the very least, I am curious to see what can be found in the land of the dead.
The people being tortured are people who would’ve likely earned it like Arthas, Deathwing, and Gul’dan. Everyone else gets divied up between the 4 realms.
Who’s getting unjustly tortured?
Wdym by Forsaken and all other undead being there? You mean those that were raised against their will by the scourge and eventually were slain at some point in time? Would they even remain in the twisted scourge forms in the afterlife or would they be returned to their original forms?
What else would you do with them? WoW has a proven afterlife, everyone has to answer for their actions in life. Perhaps they should have done it Dante’s Inferno style and had tiers of eternal torment, from the Maw to the boring limbo.
No the fact it is eternal makes it wrong etneral punishment for fininte wrongs is wrong to me. Not punishment to get rid of thd sins purging the soul of evil that can strech into the thousands of years tgat firce to to fully understand sll the wrongs you have done is better as it is still fininte punishment.
I guess purgitory works though i more like the idea of having to perhaps live the life of everyone you wronged just so you get the full gravity of what you did
shrugs Some things are irredeemable. It would be a flawed system if, say, Arthas was allowed into paradise while people still suffer from his actions today.