In order to get Undead everything, there would need to be a mammoth revamp of how races work. As in, back to the drawing board, this would be Races 2.0 essentially.
Firstly, ARs and CRs would have to collapse into one another, where you would have a Core Race (so, instead of 'Mag’har Orc and Kalimdor Orcs, all Orcs would just be Orcs). Then a selection of if the character is living or undead. Then, racials would need to be redone. A ‘core set’ across all members of the Core Race (for instance, all Trolls would have Regeneration) but you’d get to pick-and-choose other racials (Berserking or whatever) within the Core Race’s set (undead racials would require the character to be undead, obviously, and vice versa). This would result in the destruction of Forsaken as a ‘race’, but it would allow for all races to be Undead.
Wait, what? So every undead would have Will of the Forsaken? No Shadowmeld, War Stomp, Regeneration, etc? Would they get access to every class as well while other races still have to settle for the restrictions?
No, just like forsaken dont have access to thier previous human racials. They are all undead, but you should be able to look like in life you had been of whatever race.
Ahaha. Look at this guy who thought Tauren’s 4 classes would be at all sufficient compared to Blood Elves’ 6 on release, let alone in 2023. There’s a reason people mocked the LFD’s anemic class list when the glow-goats showed up.
You say that as if that’s some conciliatory thing, considering you handed Horde a literal all-in-one race. And the Undead skin for at least two of them was one of the most hotly requested features of all time.
I mean, if factions get blown up and everyone goes neutral, then great, I’d love it, and I’d be fine with UD suddenly becoming a racial swiss-army knife. But only Horde getting it? That’s just unacceptable.
Thats the wrong one that’s the cata opening cinematic. He wanted to know how you came to life in vanilla. Easy way to tell which is which is she got her revenge in the one you posted meaning its after wrath
This is why the Forsaken as a whole are just a giant brick wall of no story potential. Undeath is very much a bad thing in this world so naturally no one wants that to spread. Naturally Undead NPCs are mournful and morose about their state but, after the Sylvanas fiasco, are starting to accept it with a modicum to grace.
The massive 100-ton problem however is that the Undead are playable, and Blizzard can’t just wipe characters for narrative reasons. So now you have this paradox of ‘the Forsaken are dying out’ and being able to create 50 new Forsaken per account. And unless they want to either suddenly make all of Azeroth get REAL cool with the undead or give the Forsaken a new means of generating bodies to animate, then they have an unsolvable problem in the story of the game as a whole.
Ah gotcha… While kind of similar you are raised in a tomb… doesn’t show who raised you but the assumption would be Sylvanas or part of the group that broke away from control of the Lich King.