Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

there are already Undead Night Elves in the Alliance,
Death Knights.
besides even if Tyrande and the living Night Elves throw a fit, the actual Alliance most likely won’t care,
assuming they’ve learned from what happened the last time they rejected Undead attempts to join them

You’re not really being precise at all, are you?
Grom said “They almost look like elves, but they’re far too tall, and far too savage!”

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Grom Hellscream: These women fight with unmatched savagery! I’ve never seen their equal. They are… perfect warriors.


You are taller than me I get it. Giant Amazon woman. I am not threatened.

Like I said, he was used to those Quel’thelan High Elves who punctuate their warfare with breaks for tea and biscuits.

So British elves?

Tea and biscuits are awesome, you should try some.

He was used to fighting other Orcs and called them perfect warriors that fought with unmatched savagery.

Grom Hellscream: These women fight with unmatched savagery! I’ve never seen their equal. They are… perfect warriors.


Well he has to account for the fact that they kind of whupped his troops proper. And women aren’t as present in High Elf military.

Point being he’s not just comparing them to other elves but speaking of them in general.

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What do they feed you? You need more meat in your diet.

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I survive solely on spite.


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If they’re mentioned at all, Tyrande will probably forsake them.

The night elves who banished the blood elves are still alive. If Bob wasn’t such an awful centrist all diploatic ties between them should have been cut long ago.

You forgot the Illidari who joined back in Legion. All those Night Elven Demon Hunters are walking timebombs which the Alliance graces as friends and allies. The Alliance is surprisingly tolerant to Death Knights, Void Elves, corrupted Night Elves etc. I mean they now accept undead into their ranks via Void Elves and Night Elves not just Demon Hunters. At this point the Alliance is more tolerant than the Horde when it comes to corruptive influences with their ranks and leadership.

Not all of them. your friends in the Horde have seen to that.

And they were Highborne Night Elves at the time.

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Malfurion banished them. Not Azshara. The current government.

After that minor issue of them unleashing an Arcane Plague.

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