Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

Dont you all miss the days where the only bad guy here was me?

Not me. Its peaceful now.


Because what is shown explicitly contradicts the telling of a matriarchy. It doesn’t walk the walk talk the talk or smell the odor.

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Well, it doesn’t. And even if it did, we could still understand but that it happens in ways we don’t see rather easily.

I think it’s funny that Will Smith pretty much set the bar on ‘performative masculinity’ “get my wife’s name out your mouth” at the Oscars. So now that performative masculinity is repeated in weak men trying to appear tough.

It’s all so silly don’t you think?

I have seen not one but three insecure men use the same phrase in the last two months, like it suddendly gives them authority to act like a, what’s the Brittish word, four letters, starts and ends with a ‘t’ with w and a in the middle.

I just thought that was a great addition to a discussion about matriarchy. It always seems like discussions of night elven matriarcy always seem to have some element of male dominance. Or a show of male dominance. Funny, makes me chuckle.

Now this is way off topic - but it does make me laugh.

I remember one of my friends used that phrase a few years back, before the whole Will Smith thing. I guess some of his neighbors were gossiping about him. He was complaining to me about it. He said:

“People need to keep my name out their mouths!”

I was trying to be a friend and listen, but my first thought was - did he hear that in some tv show? wtf he is he talking like that for…

It seemed comically cheesy to me even back then.

I can be a shoulder to cry on, but I might be judgemental while I do it.

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I can be very judgemental but I think it’s a defense mechanism. I am trying to be nicer and give people more benefit of doubt.

Like, you Curse, it’s hard to be judgemental of you because you have good taste in music and good taste in fictional women. Those are pretty good traits to have.

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there are imposters?

I appreciate this because I had feared the worst, and you are one of my favorite people here.

I hope we can continue to share witty banter and have fun.

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I saw a Trenq drinking a pina colada.

His hair was purple.

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So been rping a Death Knight Kaldorei for along and its a tough one. Naturally no, not at all. Undead go against the cycle of life and death. With the Burning of Teldrassil and the desecration of their dead, the dislike and hatred for their kind would be higher BUT every Kaldorei isn’t the same. One Kaldorei could be ok with them while the others might not be fine with it. Overall now days post timeskip I would say they would be eyed suspiciously but if they helped their people probably welcomed but watched.

Also Darkfallen in lore forsook the Kaldorei people, so them being forsaken by the Kaldorei makes no sense and it would most likely be more unwelcomed then a Death Knights as they didn’t choose to betray their people and god.

I could say the same about Forsaken but that’s a different book.

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Darkfallen are too few in number to be judged as anything but individuals.

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While yes, they all would be judged as Kaldorei who willingly turned on their people from the eyes of the Kaldorei.

So they would be treated like Forsaken even though their low number

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We’ve pretty much buried those story elements for now.

Yeah post 5 years its most likely settled down to abit, but elves are a long lived race and often don’t forget. But old Kaldorei culter was ‘no no’ to undeath

considering even while consumed by night warrior rage she still begged them to come back in BFA, and after finding out why they went kind of crazy for a bit aka the maw and elune throwing them in there. I would not be shocked if they let them back in with little issue.


I find it hard to believe they would let in given that the blood elves won’t let the night elfs refugees move in, even as free labor to fix up the ruins of Silvermoon. Speaking about the blood elves, undead night elves would likely give the blood elves a brain aneurysm given the Burning Crusade drama.

Speaking of that, have some Kaldorei Darkfallen (either Horde or Alliance) been sighted in DF ? Is Delaryn Summermoon there ? Sira Moonwarden maybe ?

Not that I have seen so far. Delaryn and the darkfallen all seem to be in Lordaeron. And Sira is still locked up in an alliance jail cell still as she is downright homicidal.

I haven’t seen any of them yet. Might be in valdraxxen if they’re anywhere

There’s no record of night elf refugees WANTING to go to Silvermoon. It was the Horde that blew up their home, that’s like expecting Jews to move back to post World War 2 Poland.

Poland was far more anti-semitic than Germany, in fact, that was where the infamous death camps were all located.