Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

I mean there is Exile of the High elves which does state the Druids ruled for centuries after the sundering. After the druids slept the priesthood took over the that role and Tyrande militarised them thus creating sentinels to take up protection of the forests and people. Though Ill admit is pretty is ambiguous on how it works now.

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i’m an orc


Not the same. Alynsa is a true idealist in her own fanatic way. Erevian is just a troll poster who enjoys yanking chains.

That is a statement never before applied to me. Interesting.

So knowing what words mean and using them correctly apparently makes me a sexist idealist fanatic who conspired with the devs back during WCIII’s development to “make the night elves” a matriarchy (or I somehow became a dev?).

Y’all got some bizarre head canon about real people based on their vocabulary skills.


You know how the Story Forums go, if someone is smart, can comprehend words and knows the lore, they’re clearly the problem and not the people around here who on the regular use their fan fiction as fact


You know, I just realized too. Ren(Mith) has spread so many lies about people. They have been a rumor monger for like 3 other people from here that I know off.

And the other day I still half-let them gaslight me about their Tumblr harassment claim. “Hey, I didn’t do that to you. If you want me to reassure you, reach out to me on Discord” and of course they never did.

Because they know I didn’t do anything to them. They know it’s a lie. But my dumb butt is still trying to be nice after they have proven themselves to be manipulative little liars.

It’s crazy just how far people will take things over someone’s opinions about objectively bad lore in a near 2 decade old game on a dying forum. This place is crazy.

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I know I shouldn’t, but I often beat myself up over not seeing the red flags concerning her, and both know who I am referring to, behavior sooner.

What bothers me, is it’s the constant lies, made up events, etc that never took place and blaming everyone else for their own toxic behavior.

Dunno why it bothers me, but it does.

So I’m not speaking about anyone’s personal experiences with Mith. Those are between you both and Mith. Mine have not been the same. I have no part to that on either side and want to keep it that way.

Just to be clear here.


Thank you. No hard feelings here either. I thought we were having a great respectful debate.

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You’re a great friend alysna. I would never ruin that with petty drama concerning someone else.

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Well, until -someone- started throwing around baseless accusations and someone else started calling another a fanatic.

There has been a fair deal of name calling, but I guess it is about as “respectful” as you can expect from the Story Forums.

I will, however, be fully taking part in the new Story Forum tradition of creating head canon about my fellow posters, based solely on utterly unrelated things.

Shashani. Your name makes me think of a complicated food dish that I would refuse to eat based on the name alone. Therefor you must be a puppet of the intergalactic wizard cartel.

Akiyass. You once used the word “cucked” in this thread (I had to scroll up to find a post from you to find a good word, and this happened to be the word). This can only mean that you have a history of abusive behavior towards muffins. You must be the type of person who walks into a bakery, grabs every muffin in sight and smashes them against a wall. Don’t bother denying it; only a muffin-smasher would use the word cuck, unironically or ironically.

Mith. You play a blood elf. This blood elf’s name is not Alynsa. This is a clear sign that you throw water balloons out of a moving car at business people walking to their job site in the middle of winter. It is so very obvious.

There. None of you need bother denying it. The facts are as obvious as my literacy-based fanatical sexist idealistic game development job.

I se you. I see all of you.

More absolute truths are coming.


I must go into hiding now, until the Choosen One food dish is found so I can defeat the mighty Alysna, the Knower of all things Knowable and Unknowable :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That’s an entirely unfair assessment of Alynsa based soley on a disagreement about the semantics of the word matriarchy, and I expect better from you.

It’s okay. Drahliana misuses words and applies alternate definitions of them without providing a source for said alternate definition known and used by only her. Clearly this means they are a fatalistic supporter of the destruction of the rain forest.

The big giveaway is the grey and green transmog and white hair style for their character model. Only a deforestation-supporter would wear grey and green with white hair.

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At the end of the day, I know who supports discussions on women’s issues and those that choose to stick their head in the sand and ignore them.

I know pandas who pander to mysogynists, and lady NE’s who retweets an alt-right podcast whose stance is ,“if women want to be equal to men, we should be able to punch them as hard as we punch a man”

So at the end of the day, despite disagreements about lore, I will always be on your side. Alynsa. Because “divide and conquer” is a real form of oppression.

In your case you’ve been getting your share of the same dishes you’ve been serving to others.


Wonder who the Panda poster is. I know personally a few people here have gotten…quite upset over me calling people out for their sexists posts.

Not sure what you mean.

I call people out based on the opinions they have.

I don’t make false accusations of harassment. I wouldn’t call that “Getting what I dish out” Y’all cant step up to me one on one without playing dirty.

That’s a real fascinating analysis.

It’s a shame that you’re about to be dissapointed.

The white hair is in tribute to the original Drahliana which was a dark elf character that I created on Lineage 2. The grey and green transmog is one. (mostly her current armor from Zereth Moris along with a couple of transmogs to keep the style uniform) And since she’s a forest warrior, those colors are chosen partly as camouflage.

It’s part of what was one of my favorite things about Blizzard the subversion of dark and light elf tropes.

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