Me neither. I’m not Chris Metzen. I did not write the night elf culture as a matriarchy. I’m also not a current dev, and therefore cannot make them into anything.
You are very strange, thinking I’m responsible for making the night elves a matriarchy.
My head canon is not what makes them a matriarchy.
The developers who made them a matriarchy is what makes them a matriarchy.
You should learn the lore and what the word “matriarchy” means. Both would help you quite a lot!!
I think we crossed into the AU version of the SF due to to…timey whimey stuffs and…something something a man made a decision once so that means the three female led organizations and Tyrande don’t run kaldorei society.
Tis a weird hill some people are willing to die on
That would explain a lot actually. Maybe AU Alynsa teamed up with Merriam-Webster, Encyclopedia Brittanica, the anthropologists of the world, Chris Metzen and the rest of the dev team past and present to create the matriarchal night elves. That would be why people keep blaming me for it.
Pre sundering there was no indication that the army had any gender preference. Infact most of the military leadership was apparently men. Tyrande militarised the priesthood to take the druids place (hence why the sentinels are predominantly women) when they went to sleep. When the druids awoke the warcraft 3 they reinteregrated into society and fought as equals against the legion.
where does it say that again in game or other media that clarifies its the current state of the night elves?
Also, I asked all of you a while ago if any of you could give me a source for this very specific definition you’ve been using for the word “matriarchy”. Can you provide a source yet?
Your the one claiming they are a matriarchy, burden of proof lies with you. I’ve already provided multiple points and reference in the lore on why it isn’t.
I’ve no idea what you’re trying to accomplish here. Blue is a word, and there are shades of blue. Socialism is a deliniation of a societal structure, and there’s a spectrum of how socialized a society can be.
I’m not disagreeing that kaldorei society is matriarchal, I am pointing out that it’s silly to quibble about because it doesn’t always mean men are second-class citizens or anything similar. Because matriarchy is absolutely a spectrum. If you don’t want to accept that I’d say you’re being purposefully obtuse.
You’ve been provided proof they have been a matriarchy in the past, up to the present. You’re making the outrageous claim this has changed, based on some ambiguous definition of the word “matriarchy” that you have never provided a source for and goes against literally every other definition of the word.
You can’t say “but druids tho” and expect that to counter in-game evidence, lore statements from developers, the game manual, and more stating the night elves are a matriarchy. “But druids tho” is also not a source for this alt-Badmaa definition of the word “matriarchy”.
The burden of proof goes to the one making outlandish claims. That would be you.
Yeah, I could agree with this however that scale is very fluid when it comes to Nightelves. Pre sundering Queen ashzara ruled though males were also in important positions within community, post sundering it was the druids for centuries(Men), then priest hood(female) for centuries. now men and females seem to both be leaders. So I agree with the premise it has evened out mostly.
And yet when we talk about Socialism as a form of governance, it’s a binary statement; either it is socialist, or it is not socialist. The USA has some socialist ideals, but it is absolutely not a socialist government. It is defined as a capitalist government, because it meets that criteria.
A matriarchy, in spite of what some people think, is a government or social structure where women are the overall rulers. That is all, the sole criteria. There’s no “sorta-kinda ruled by women, but doesn’t count if men are allowed to be secondary rulers by marriage” exemption. There’s no “only a little bit matriarchy because men are not in chains” exemption.
I would like to point out that Zerde was being accused of all sorts of things just because he had a different interpretation of what the Devs meant by a “call back.” He was being called a lone opinion.
I agreed with Zerde’s interpretation, and I disliked how his opinion was being dismissed just because he was alone. As if an opinion is wrong just because it is a minority. So, I posted my agreement.
Then, we are called just two argumentative Trolls who are not kaldorei fans…
So, Drahliana, an actual Night Elf Player and Poster agrees - but they are then labled as not the right kind of Night Elf Player for some…
Badmaa, another Night Elf Player and poster agrees… but they also do not qualify.
Males who have a different interpretation about the Devs portrayal of kaldorei are insulted in this manner :
But it is not just males…
First, it is just one guy. Then two guys - bleh, guys can not have an opinion on the words Devs use… Then a Female and 2 Night Elf Players and Posters also agree… but they dont count for some reason…
This gate keeping has no bearing on a persons ability to have an opinion on what the Devs are portraying.
At least, if any good has come from this, Zerde had been shown to not be alone. Many others interpret the Devs portrayal as he does. Those who dismissed him just because he was the only one bothering to post were at least shown that he is not alone.
I am glad that you are Zarde can listen to the art director talk about art, talk about artistically calling back to other art and conclude that he is making a definitive lore statement about the current status quo of the night elves.
Terran Gregory did not, however, state the matriarchy is dead and the nelves are all egalitarian now.
Even by your own terms it is not a matriarchy. Tyrande only controls the priesthood and by extension the sentinels. She however is not an elected leader of the people nor their queen so she doesn’t control the government. The people respect her so they listen to her but she doesn’t impose control on other aspects. you’ve referred to the Wardens before however even they have their own authority and don’t answer to her, to the point that Tyrande had to kill them to release Illidan.
Tyrande doesn’t hold overall power as organisations within the night elf as they hold their own leaders they obey above her. She doesn’t hold overall power over all night elves.
She is actually the leader of the night elves. She is called such, treated as such, therefore is such.
Neither are pre-requisites for a matriarchy. Velen was not elected leader; is he now no longer the leader of the draenie?
A matriarchy is not a monarchy. It’s not defined by a single leader. It’s typically seen in real-world matriarchies as done by councils or through dividing the leadership of different aspects of society between a few different women. And yes, sometimes with a man or even a couple men leading their own specific areas of governance. But largely, they are led by women and women have most or all of the important positions.
Seriously, look up the word and see how it is used. This whole conversation will be much easier.
They’re a fairly equal society, certainly as far as respect goes. Men and women are revered alike. There’s a matriarchal lean because the Sentinels and Priestesses function as the government, and the goddess Elune is the chief deity. Male and Female co-leaders, sure; like I said, fairly even, but with a matriarchal bent.
That’s called fully socialist. There are degrees. A country can have socialized healthcare, socialized food, socialized housing, etc. Everything can be socialized, or half of it, 80% of it, or 20%. That’s a spectrum.
Again you’re making yourself look purposefully obtuse. There are degrees to matriarchy and patriarchy. This is why there are a variety of definitions, with differing levels of looseness/strictness. Academics have long discussed these. Please don’t imagine you’re the one who arbitrarily has the single, true definition.
I’ve no desire to argue with a brick wall intent on being right no matter what. Matriarchy is a spectrum, and if someone explained to an alien that night elves are a matriarchy using your definition, that alien would be quite confused upon discovering that Malfurion is an equal co-leader of the night elves and that the druids have authority to act independently.
So you have to ask these questions: When the dev made their statement, did they specify which exact definition they were using? And if not, do you get to declare which one? Or is it up to interpretation because the word can, in fact, mean different things? Hmm.